I get the icebreaker from my first iron banner game...xur has it a few days later.
I get patience and time from a purple engram, xur has it a week later.
Seriously xur makes this game pointless to play. It makes people get the best shit for doing nothing. Ridiculous
Edited by Alex_Supertramp1: 10/31/2014 7:34:44 PMOk, I hardly see how your point is valid. Random engram drop? Lucky crucible drop? Please explain to me how these are "earned" while items bought from xur are not. The majority of my strange coins are Earned by completing the hardest weekly heroic. The majority of my motes of light are Earned from xp gained after reaching lvl 20. I don't see how buying one exotic with currency it took a better part of a week to gather is not earning it, yet your lucky crucible and engram drops are. Your comment is ridiculous! I already had icebreaker from the nightfall, that's harder than a crucible match you don't even have to do well in to get a lucky drop. And I'm not mad at all that xur was selling it. Just means I get to keep stacking coins and heavy ammo packs for the raid!
Edited by SmokeShadow_27: 10/31/2014 7:21:10 PMlol, these posts still exist? Guess what? I've had TWO of Patience and Time for over a month now, that I actually "earned" from completing a couple hard Nightfalls (one of them solo, which is not easy). You know what? I was happy to see Xur selling Patience and Time today. Now my buddies can have it too, instead of simply admiring mine. Does the fact that others have the same gun make your gun any less powerful? No! So who cares, bruh?!?! I have to accept that one day Xur will also have my ultra rare Heart of Praxic Fire and probably Plan C and other rare items I have. Well, so be it. A few Sunsingers all rocking Praxic Fire for raids or nightfalls? Holy shit, we are going to light that bitch on fire!!!!! Quit being such an elitist loner. That's not what this game is all about.
[quote]lol, these posts still exist? Guess what, toolbox? I've had TWO of Patience and Time for over a month now, that I actually "earned" from completing a couple hard Nightfalls (one of them solo, which is not easy). You know what? I was happy to see Xur selling Patience and Time today. Now my buddies can have it too, instead of simply admiring mine. Does the fact that others have the same gun make your gun any less powerful? No! So who cares, bruh?!?! I have to accept that one day Xur will also have my ultra rare Heart of Praxic Fire and probably Plan C and other rare items I have. Well, so be it. A few Sunsingers all rocking Praxic Fire for raids or nightfalls? Holy shit, we are going to light that bitch on fire!!!!! Quit being such an elitist loner. That's not what this game is all about.[/quote] Lol you are beyond cool. Taking all that time to write that.
I did edit it to not call you a toolbox, since after reading some of your replies, you sounded less douchey than your original post. But you must have copied the comment before my edit.
[quote]I did edit it to not call you a toolbox, since after reading some of your replies, you sounded less douchey than your original post. But you must have copied the comment before my edit.[/quote] No man..just reading others opinions changed my view a bit.
Well, it's good to see the forum working positively for once. I shouldn't be so quick to throw out insults; it's just that this forum has made me lose respect for a lot people. And there were many posts like yours when Xur first had Icebreaker, and people were shut down quite quickly for saying they "earned" their icebreaker in an rng drop, and that the rest of us didn't deserve it. Hence, why I was surprised to see your OP and why I was quick to attack you. You have my apologies, and I hope you can see why Xur works for some people with less fortunate drops. I am fortunate to not really need anything from Xur anymore, but I know many people who work hard in this game are quite grateful for him and deserve stuff just as much as the rest of us.
[quote]Well, it's good to see the forum working positively for once. I shouldn't be so quick to throw out insults; it's just that this forum has made me lose respect for a lot people. And there were many posts like yours when Xur first had Icebreaker, and people were shut down quite quickly for saying they "earned" their icebreaker in an rng drop, and that the rest of us didn't deserve it. Hence, why I was surprised to see your OP and why I was quick to attack you. You have my apologies, and I hope you can see why Xur works for some people with less fortunate drops. I am fortunate to not really need anything from Xur anymore, but I know many people who work hard in this game are quite grateful for him and deserve stuff just as much as the rest of us.[/quote] Yeah man, this forum is one of the worst I've seen. People just can never agree with others. This is a rare case 2 people with different opinions wind up agreeing on terms with something. Wish more people would be open minded and not so quick to jump on people and be ridiculous. No bad blood here mate.
You got that right. Take care bud!
What, all of two minutes? lol, I work at a computer, pal. This reply took me all of 3 seconds. Not all of us on the forums are kids without typing skills.
Gets ice breaker from one iron banner game,cries that 17 strange coins is no work
[quote]Gets ice breaker from one iron banner game,cries that 17 strange coins is no work[/quote] Nobody is crying here..? If you think weekly and nightfalls are difficult there is something wrong
It's a hyperbole.Just saying your way of obtaining those exotics was a scratch off lottery ticket,people who obtained their coins worked for them.
yes, so, drop in PvP = RNG (nope, not even performance based, you could get it with a 0.05 k/d) yet you have to complete the weekly and farm blue engrams for a minimal chance at a coin. I wonder who deserves the gun more...
I would hardly call the Weekly Heroic nothing. Go cry somewhere else Mr "I most likely finished last and am upset because other people have the Ice Breaker I don't deserve." I got the Ice Breaker in The Vault of Glass two days before Xur had it. I was happy other people who couldn't put the same amount of time into the game I could were able to get such a nice weapon. This games loot system is complete garbage and until it is fixed I love that people can get good items from Xur.
Edited by jcaliii: 10/31/2014 6:11:29 PM[quote]I would hardly call the Weekly Heroic nothing. Go cry somewhere else Mr "I most likely finished last and am upset because other people have the Ice Breaker I don't deserve." I got the Ice Breaker in The Vault of Glass two days before Xur had it. I was happy other people who couldn't put the same amount of time into the game I could were able to get such a nice weapon. This games loot system is complete garbage and until it is fixed I love that people can get good items from Xur.[/quote] No need to try and troll. Just stop
speak for yourself dipshit
[quote]speak for yourself dipshit[/quote] No I can't, I'm not a hardcore gamer like you.
Yes, because calling someone out for being a whine bag is trolling. Crucible rewards take no skill just like me earning mine from the raid would take no skill. However, someone doing two weekly heroics on level 28 does take skill.
I agree, all these scrubs saying the weekly is hard... thats a lie. They just find ways to cheat it. Xur, is pointless.
Xur also makes it better for some of the players that are not as fortunate as you with your drops. For example, I have been playing since release and have been level 28 for several weeks. I always max out of vanguard marks, complete the daily, weekly, and nightfall and still have yet to get an exotic weapon in a drop. I have only gotten 2 exotic bounties and both were for guns that no one wants. The only reason I have been able to get anything is because of Xur. I can understand your point of view but, don't take your luck for granted and assume everyone else gets the same. In my entire time playing destiny I have only received about 15 purple engrams period and most get me shards or coins. Some are just more fortunate than others when grinding for the same amount.
Thats the point of having rares etc... chars arent supposed to be even across the board. Theyre not supposed to be equally as fortunate. The point is to have those players who play more... better equipped...and if they arent. Why am I still playing?
So its ok with you if I was to play the same exact stuff as you for the same amount of time and I have 3 exotics and a bunch of cool useful stuff and you get nothing but 1 legendary that turns into a strange coin and some weak armor you can't use? I highly doubt that you would enjoy that feeling. I agree that people who invest more time should have more stuff. However, if 2 people have put in the same amount of work 1 should not have all the good stuff and 1 get nothing out of the same work. I don't think everyone should get the same stuff, don't get me wrong, but it should be a little more even with the reward system. I know people that are level 23 and 24 that have more exotic weapons and legendary items than I do at level 28. We put in about the same amount of time. I'm not calling for everyone to get the same stuff just a little more equalizing of the reward system so 1 person doesn't get everything and another that has done the same amount of work get nothing. If we build a wall the same length, width and height in the same amount of time, I shouldn't get $15,000 and you get $100. We should get close to the same amount. Hell Id settle for $13,000 but, it drives me crazy that I only get $100. Understand the analogy?
Actually, if thats what happened, I would try harder to acquire things. Your analogy is misplaced. Does a blue collar worker work harder than a white collar? No? Yes? So, why does one get paid more? More skill... the RNG has variables such as efficiency of killing etc involved. Theres a difference. So, the point I see is... yes... there should be a variation in the amount of items people find. Im going to call BS on your "ive done 200 hours and gotten nothing". I think its a lie...its more like people are getting items they dont want and cry about it. Here are the facts.... I get more items than my buddy list because I play more...and the RNG system involves probability. You dont like it, you want a short cut. It cheapens the experience. You want to use an analogy? Ok, Im a PhD with no time... when I go to a movie, do I expect a summarized version to be produced? No, I expect a full movie...and I MAKE time. I dont whine and cry until they cut it down. I dont whine and cry until they make that 1 hr and 30 min movie into a 30 min one.
Actually my analogy was spot on. I wasn't comparing blue collar to white collar. My analogy was 2 people who built the same wall to the same quality with the same dimensions and materials. The result should be the same or similar reward wise in quantity but different in variation. Your analogy is off. I don't know who said anything about 200 hours. I have 2 characters. 1 at level 28 and 1 at level 23. Between them I have 6 exotics but all but 1 came from Xur. My point was that my friend who is level 21 and has been forever because he has put about a quarter of the time I have, has gotten several exotic rewards and engrams and has the same amount of exotics that I do. I'm all for the guys who play religiously to have more and don't argue with that. My point was the "statistics" system is flawed and doesn't necessary reward as it should. I'm not looking for a short cut as you put it, I will continue to play and grind regardless. I just wanted to point out how Xur helps those who don't have good luck with the system.
Again, you're intentionally ignoring the difference. The difference is in skill. Skill being measured by efficiency of killing... Not all players are at the same skill level. Thus, you cant compare. You cant say they're doing the same. You cant say theyre of the "same quality". It's for this reason, Xur is a fallacy. Whats the point of playing if I can just go do the weeklies easily get coins...and get exotics? It defeats the point of having rarities. It defeats the point of having a drop rate etc. The stats arent flawed. You're just mad because you didnt get the items you wanted. I keep seeing it over and over again, "I dont have the time...", " I didnt get an exotic weapon.... I got an exotic armor piece", "I didnt get an exotic..just a legendary". Thats how drops work. Thats how stats work. You get A drop...not necessarily what you crybabies want. Im tired of this. I dont play "religiously" I just put time in. You think you have no time? Try being a doctoral student balancing work, homework, class, internships, research, a gf, and a life. If you dont have the time... DONT WHINE. Here's another thing, YOU ARENT supposed to compare against me, because I COMMIT a good amount of time to this game. Get over it. Quit ruining gaming. Your kind destroy the challenge of gaming.