[quote]You people make me sick. The entire overall scope of pretentious gamers is nauseating. 90% of you are constantly b*tching about trivial matters.
Bungie! I'm not good at PVP!
Bungie! Your servers suck!
Bungie! I can't find exotics this game blows!
Here's an idea. Let's see your multi million dollar video game. Oh wait, you don't have one. You live in your parents basement. I play this game using my iPhone as a hotspot. Do I get booted to orbit? Sometimes, yes. I preordered the DLC. It's twenty bucks. You spend more than that on a weeks worth of fast food.
So here's an idea. Shut up about things that don't really matter. Good job Bungie. I love this game despite its flaws.
Oh and I'd love to ignore your feisty replies so bring em on![/quote]
Well for those of us that Are good at pvp yet hate the servers and have a bunch of exotics I can still say the game is bad. It was loads of fun at first until I realized I'd be playing the same missions and everything else for months. Then supposed to pay for 2 more missions and play for months...rinse and repeat, no thanks.
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