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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/31/2014 5:10:56 PM
Truth be told at first I was quite unhappy with destiny, with all the glitches and errors but let's be honest when battlefield 3 and 4 came out there were tons of bugs and annoying things wrong with it. Any game like this starts out that way, only by playing and giving feedback its going to be solved. I totally agree if p are going to complain about the game then they're idiots. I mean life is life, you're not going to get everything you want by complaining. Those that threaten to sell the game should just do it not say they are, it's a waste of time. But I at first was mad, but then I went the facts: 1) perhaps the story is lacking, but it's just the first inning 2) the point of the online only part is to play with others, I normally don't like to play a game alone anyway it's boring.

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