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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/31/2014 5:46:53 PM
IMO, the best way of comparing a hybrid game like Destiny is to compare the FPS and MMO aspects to the best parts in other games of the same genre. In that respect Destiny is a good FPS compared to COD but falls short with other shooters that have a bigger story (and falls completely flat compared to the story lines in MMOs). Same goes for grinding (which I already talked about earlier). One reason I left COD was because it was a pointless grind for another pointless rifle and another pointless icon next to my name saying what prestige level I'm at (the other reason was the laziness behind releasing the same content every year and expecting another $60-$80 every time). Titanfall was exactly the same way (which I stopped playing a month in). I can deal with grinding and repetitiveness but my goodness, if there's no purpose behind it then why bother?

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