The best guns in Destiny are rare or exotic, (Legendaries are too purchase driven...) I like to PvP with my rare guns from the Vanguard Tiger playlist.
What if the gunsmith sold Legendary bounties for Legendary weapons? That would help with my problem of having never obtained a Legendary LMG through three characters... (I have two [i]super good advice[/i]s, and a [i]Thunderlord[/i] yet I can't get a legendary LMG...)
I agree that there should be more for Tess Everis to offer than pre-order bonus's. Perhaps she could give you rewards for bounties you can't track? (Making it seem random but not actually be that way.)
Yeah, I expected the Speaker to play a bigger part.[spoiler]"The darkness is coming back, we will not survive it this time, but if you shoot up a bunch of random aliens, then you'll show us what we are and what we will be again."[/spoiler]I wasn't aware that we already had details on the House of Wolves DLC. If the Reef plays a major part, then maybe we'll see more of that non-combat zone Reef that we glimpsed at in the end of [url=]that Destiny PS4 announcement trailer[/url].
On the Grimoire side of things, I hope Bungie uses already available content written in the obtainable Grimoire cards to base future DLC, rather than just making new ones letting the DLCs feel detached from the main game. [spoiler]Without a doubt there will be a new Grimoire card for Eris, but... duh...[/spoiler]
Edited by IhzaMhaskova: 10/31/2014 7:09:58 PMThere is a website (I can't remember the name, lol) that has almost all of the new stuff from both DLC's listed along with most of the items upgrades. Also, there was a bug where you could see all of the missions from the next two DLC's. It even showed the mission names, descriptions, and levels. I just wish Bungie would let us view the Grimoire Cards in the game....
A good addition would be having the Ghost read a Grimoire card when it is obtained, and I believe it is [url=][/url] which you speak of.
I think it is! It may have been the database portion of it. Eh, I don't think Dinklebot could read through most of them before the mission would start. Some are a pretty long read.
You'd be able to toggle it off, though they could be voiced over otherwise but be played by the Ghost like an audiolog.