Gun smoke are you online?
I'm mic is messed up but if you can tell everybody all we gotta do is stand where I'm about to show you and everybody just shoot at em with everything and what will happen is that he will fall back off the edge thought but everybody got to keep shooting at him don't worry about the enemy just shoot them as well the only thing you have to worry about is getting cleansed that's it
I need everyone GT so I can send it out
I can send invites out if no one started they are going to be from gt: SUPADUDEJJ
I've only done the raid once and was confused the whole time lol I am no leader but I can shoot !
Whoever is sending invites my GT: SUPADUDEJJ
Do we have enough?
Yea I think so if not I think we need one more
I am trying to recruit one more I am at the tower
Ok cool I'm getting on now what's your gt?
Do you need one more?
Sure we just trying to see who's taking point that's all because some of us never did the raid before but I think one I mean I've played it so I kinda got a idea of what to do but everybody else idk
Ok cool that's 4 people we need 2 more and we can make group everybody on X1 right ?
Yes, who's going as lead?
It doesn't matter you can if you want
oh heck no, lol... I was asking so I'd know who the invite was from
Yea I am xbox 1
Ok cool well somebody can start inviting I'm about to hop on now
Lvl 27 warlock so have I. Gt: SUPADUDEJJ
I do, lvl 28 Titan or warlock, first time
Same here ! That's why it would've better if we had some people that've done it before
I can help. I've done it before
If you can find 2 more we can start a group