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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/31/2014 7:08:46 PM
So its ok with you if I was to play the same exact stuff as you for the same amount of time and I have 3 exotics and a bunch of cool useful stuff and you get nothing but 1 legendary that turns into a strange coin and some weak armor you can't use? I highly doubt that you would enjoy that feeling. I agree that people who invest more time should have more stuff. However, if 2 people have put in the same amount of work 1 should not have all the good stuff and 1 get nothing out of the same work. I don't think everyone should get the same stuff, don't get me wrong, but it should be a little more even with the reward system. I know people that are level 23 and 24 that have more exotic weapons and legendary items than I do at level 28. We put in about the same amount of time. I'm not calling for everyone to get the same stuff just a little more equalizing of the reward system so 1 person doesn't get everything and another that has done the same amount of work get nothing. If we build a wall the same length, width and height in the same amount of time, I shouldn't get $15,000 and you get $100. We should get close to the same amount. Hell Id settle for $13,000 but, it drives me crazy that I only get $100. Understand the analogy?

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