You know I like this game I really do. I was totally excited for the past two days, but then, what the hell are you guys doing with the exclusives I just learned the expansion has 8-9 month, or however long, a timed exclusive Strike, weapons and possibly a pvp map. What is this shit? I know I for one am not going to be paying 20 damn dollars for half an expansion and happily wait a year for the rest. Most likely, I'm not even going to get this unless a friend really wants me to play and buys it for me. You know I'm even fine with timed exclusives hell let them them have it for a month or two or even three, but come on release the whole damn package of DLC at least, jesus.
*Most places I've read online even the Playstation users are calling shenanigans. Whatever the beef is with microsoft you are not hurting them doing this you are hurting the gaming community.
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