What part of destiny is by definition, "free roam"? I must have a different Destiny since I'm on Xbox or something because the Destiny I've seen is a digital bowl with things within it. I guess the Legend of Zelda is free roam too, then. Ah yes, the 10 year plan. Are you even positive you and the community surrounding you will even remember this game in 10 years? Let alone 2 years? Because with the money they had mentioned being their budget for the games creation not even half of that went into the game even after the Beta tests. (which we're still in) Half of a billion dollars was to go into the game before the games release. Their words not mine. They were making their money back equaling then dwarfing beyond what they "put in". These forums are a mess and furthermore a joke, since a lot of the suggestions/discrepancies, in regards to this and that desire/request for identical things that they have showcased being capable of many times over in a few days span if not less. Moreover, everything being bickered about should already been implemented in the game in the first place. Players shouldn't have to "slow it down" and even the ones who played it as sluggish as possible are having the same problem everyone unhappy with the game, which is the vast majority, have already addressed. It's not that there isn't enough content it's because for $60, $100+ for those who preordered everything, it's because there isn't ANY content given on the disc to begin with. Destiny was supposed to have MASSIVE amounts of content to begin with, yet when it doesn't there are an abundance of excuses in Bungies defense like they still delivered the game they promised would end all other titles. By that logic we should still be exploring the unknown where hitting the level cap shouldn't concern you for that is only the beginning... Lie. Blatent lie and extremely obvious now, but hindsight, right? A decade is a long time, my friend. The game is tanking fast and a lot of people are going to leave rightfully they should. The story was non existent, 90% of the characters don't have names, there is no plot, there's no desire to play any further since the point of doing so has been lost. You're good at regurgitating the information Bungie has released, but also most of that information is pre launch and therefore invalid and obsolete Intel. And I'm assuming you along with the other Bungie butt loving cronies thought that what was posted is an infallible statement that is without contestation, but that couldn't be further from reality. All of that was devised to keep you clinging on for a game that's not going to make it. The game is dead. Accept that fact and you'll be wiser for it.
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