Oh man, I bet you typed that so damn aggressively. And good guess but no, I love this game. I've played far worse games for much more money. Mmo games usually come with a fancy 14.99 a month price tag. This one cost me 60 once, 20 a month later and 20 every few months as DLC releases. Not a bad deal. And I even got the dreaded monkey error but, shockingly, I didn't whine about it. A day later, voilah, it's fixed.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the dick bag reference. It's odd.
Yeah actually I didn't type it I spoke it into my phone and it typed it for me. I don't type angrily. Dick bag was just something I heard on TV that I thought would be cool to post on the forum just happened to be you! douche nozzle lol
Douche nozzle? You don't work at Ingles do ya? I used to hear that every day from an old coworker. He used to call the store and ask if we had any in stock.