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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/31/2014 8:17:41 PM
What's up man there very good points here but the part where you say "good job destiny" that's the part I don't agree on. Let me state I love this game but being swindled I really hate, and right now we are being hustled by Bungie/Activion. $20 may not be much but the Dark below is not worth $20. I know there going to be "it's an MMO" it's suppose to be that way. I say NO!!!! Both the Dark Below and the House of Wolves were suppose to be part of the original content of the game (the stages are already in the disk for Christ sake) but for some reason Bungie/Activion did a dick move to cut it, and now making us pay for it. I think we all should grow up and realize that this is wrong in so many levels and this isn't how DLCs work. I'm also tired of people defending this game like it did everything right, when it actually did everything wrong. Open your eyes everyone the higher ups on Bungie/Activion are laughing their asses off while saying "these people are actually buying this shit, we should do this to all our games." If you still think I'm full of it answer me this. When was the last time an update was actually useful? Why can't I play with my own friend in a custom match at the crucible? Why did the weekly events stop? I.E things like Iron Banner and Queens Wrath. Who the hell are the faction leaders and why do I have to go outside the game to learn more about them? If the game production started 7 years ago why is destiny so short and mediocre? Limited armor design what happened there? Where will this game be in 3 moths, I think after House of Wolves comes out Bungie/Activion will meet their goal and stop caring about Destiny and the people playing it, cause I can tell you right now we are not the number one priority, making back the money they spent is. P.S DEEJ you are one plastic ass mother-blam!-er tell everyone what really happened to the game formerly known as Destiny. Tell us how it was butchered because it was to complex for younger gamers to understand the story. What justifies segmenting the campaign and selling it 1/3 of the retail price 2 months after being released!? Why are the updates just covering the surface and not the core fundamentals of destiny? DEEJ I know these questions won't be answered hell this comment won't even get blocked, cause you guys don't care about this community at all. This app is only here so we can fight amongst each other and entertain your workers at work, while absolutely doing nothing at their desk!!

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