...you were excited to play some Destiny?
I don't really feel like I play Destiny out of a sense of enjoyment anymore, so much as a sense of commitment. I'm committed to hitting 30 on the characters I made so I keep playing. In attempting to actually follow through with that (arguably arbitrary) goal, I've come to realize everything about the game seems stale. I don't really enjoy playing as, or identify with, any of my characters. They're all kinda cool and have their unique abilities but none of them are awesome.
I feel like I'm holding out for "something" all the time on this game, as if it'll miraculously get better. Even new weapons seem like just another chore to deal with. I have a ton of legendary and exotic weapons but they're mostly not upgraded and each upgrade seems to take far too much time.
I have three characters, all level 29. I recently got the drops necessary to make my third character into my first 30, but I'll have to completely upgrade 3 pieces of gear from scratch before I'll hit 30.
All the tasks in the game are beginning to look like boring prospects. It's all RNG at this point. The last two pieces of gear I need are RNG raid drops. I've done the raid countless times and it's not fun anymore. The shader I'd like to get is an RNG faction rep reward. I'm tired of building rep beyond rank 3 for random rewards, most of which I don't want or need. The DLC isn't due out for another month. There's no transmog so my characters are just going to stay the same as every other 30 once I hit max level. There are no challenges that even require a 30. Even the hardmode raid is a waste of time once I hit 30 since I have all the hardmode drops, including 3 Mythoclasts, 3 sparrows, 3 ships and helmets for every class. Once again, hardmode isn't fun. Especially now that Atheon's timestream is randomized, it's just one big glitchy frustration.
PvP has no competitive playlists or elements of competitive play. There's no ranking and no rewards for consistently performing well. There's very little skill curve as well, although lots of people somehow manage to go negative all the time. I go positive by a 2.0+ KD more often than not and it doesn't matter at all. Numerous times, I've watched people I literally just carried get exotic/legendary rewards and I'll get nothing at all. So why play? The gameplay itself is rife with cheap shots and no-skill-required one hit kills. Streaks also earn nothing, so getting 10 kills without dying is... basically meaningless.
Point is, Destiny lays a great foundation to what could easily be one of the best games ever made. The only problem is, it's stale already. Bungie is proving incapable of recognizing, prioritizing and implementing universally desired community driven features and content. Most of which should have been in the pipeline prior to launch, released shortly after.
As it is, all of the things I've wondered about and wanted them to implement since release have not changed. There's no music volume options, no "Go to Tower" option, no transmog system, no increased inventory/vault space, no player trading, no glimmer or marks cap increase, no new purchasables such as shaders, no vote screen for strike playlists or crucible maps, no rep tracking in the character menu... the list goes on. And on. And on.
Actually, rather than make "improvements" or "additions" that have benefited anyone who actually plays the game, all updates have altered the game for the worse so far. Can you name one good thing that Bungie has implemented since launch? Neither can I.
I'm not even eagerly awaiting the DLC, since what I know about it already seems kinda disappointing. In the meantime, I'm finding myself compelled to get on some other games. Even PC games are a decent alternative.
Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of positive things to say about Destiny and Bungie. I just had to voice--reluctantly--how I've succumb to the reality that this game is just not fun right now.
Maybe it's just me.
Edited by Joaquin Dead: 11/1/2014 1:48:01 AMNope it's everyone. Only Bungie seems to be ok with it. You played X amount of hours so you're welcome. Who cares if customers are disappointed by your product and openly complain about the lack of content and the overly eagerness to tweak gameplay in a more restrictive manner. Because we're not playing a game the way the dev's designed it to be played. If that's the case maybe the design is the issue. The patches being released add nothing to Destiny only take elements away like strategy and team work. Leading the VOG to a very linear and boring path. This game didn't even have 4-6 weeks of content how can you expect it to be a 10 year game? You obviously didn't design this game to have a satisfying end game so why then did you sell it as a game only begins when the "story" ends? Or that Destiny doesn't have DLC we have expansion packs. Um 3 maps 3 story missions and 1 strike and 1 raid 2 level cap raise is barely a DLC let alone an expansion pack If you want a forum full of sycophants you're about to get it. We need an outline a plan of coming patches/releases ASAP If only thing we have to look forward to is another DLC like the dark below and just tweaks of existing weapons and armor and raids or real time altering of enemy health bars this will be the only Destiny game that will make a profit.