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originally posted in: The Dark Below
Edited by Level5BikerDregs: 11/2/2014 12:17:28 AM
Thank Activision for ruining Destiny. Also the " Dark Below " and " House of Wolves " plus many other things were originally going to be in the normal game. These are DLC now because of Activision. Also did you know that there were originally more classes than what we have? Did you know that the Queen's brother has a name " Crow ". Crow was originally going to help you in missions like the Archive and he and many others were main characters in the storyline written by the original main developer. Did you know that Destiny actually had a DOPE STORYLINE? Also did you know that the lead developer left his job for Destiny possibly due to Activision pushing for making more money by making the original story into DLC? Did you know that almost ALL OF THE STORYLINE WAS GUTTED out and not used for whatever reason? Can I get a bump please, so that other people who CONSTANTLY COMPLAIN about Bungie can KNOW THE ACTUAL FRIGGING TRUTH? So for those who say I'm incorrect, the game itself has all these areas and stuff in the code; this was discovered by a glitch that showed all of the "DLC" areas. Explain to me why the developers showed a location that is on a cliff surrounded by a forest and a city (most likely in Old Chicago) a video before the release of Destiny. There is also another game play trailer that shows "Crow" pointing a gun at the Guardian in Old Russia. None of these were in the released version of the game so something big must have happened before the release of Destiny; to have the developers themselves show game play and trailers with false information about things COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to the current game. Does it make sense that Mercury is a pvp map yet there is absolutely no occurrence of Mercury in the ENTIRE game? You did not download DLC to unlock Mercury, it was already in the game. Gutting out a huge portion of the game and selling it as DLC is a HUGE money maker, because the consumer wants to know WHAT THE BALLS ACTUALLY HAPPENED. I don't think that Bungie- the creators of the famous Halo series and many other major titles; would give us this not so amazing game. I personally don't think Bungie would be that big of a dick to us.Thank you, bless you if you sneezed at all during the absorption of this knowledge. Also this is not 100% fact or anything (rumors), but it still gives out a good point.

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