Quoted from 'twobeersmears' -
'While you, Bungie, continue to release patches nerfing hard-earned exotic weapons, killing loot caves, restructuring the raid to prevent players from beating it with human ingenuity, and announcing DLC content that is quite honestly very lackluster and addresses none of the deep, even psychological ineptitudes within the Destiny universe, I assure you that even if the current numbers say otherwise, you are not building a 10 year franchise. Or a 5 year franchise. I'll be curious to know what those numbers reveal once other games are release through the holiday season. Somehow, I don't think they'll be very promising. Not considering what you gave us at launch, and how little you continue to give us. Destiny was a promise of something incredible that never was and still isn't. It could still become that, but my hope is waning, and that's a real shame, because this world you made for us, this repetitive, empty world - it's very pretty.'
🔰Do us all a favour Bungie and listen to the masses, there needs to be drastic changes if you plan on keeping our attention. Right from the start there wasn't enough content, so on xbox we only have 5 strikes (ps have 6) and
With this dlc (which xbox have to pay the same as ps) the playstation gamers will get an extra strike, so thats 8 strikes on ps and just 6 on xbox?! You must be in a dream world to think that isn't going to put us xbox gamers off buying this dlc. Or any others for that matter! The exclusivity is for a whole year to, bit harsh? There's a few big titles coming out soon, can safely assume you'll lose a lot of traffic if you don't address the issues staring you in the face.🔰
If you agree with this, feel free to share it![/quote]
I agree! Well thought out and a very obvious mutual feeling among a majority of Destiny players. I thank you sir!
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