Yet you keep picking one mode like a noob, guess you pick control because that all you play? Don't be made little one, its not like a troll can get better stats. My total is still double of yours, try to spend less time making a fool out of yourself.
lol vs my 36464 noob, get your eyes check noob.
That's makes no sense according to what I just wrote meat head. Go back to school.
Wow you are a retard, if you knew how to read you understand. Your weak ass 32426 kills vs my 36468 kills, but I guess being a Xbox fanboy means you suck at reading.
Lmao difference between me and you is that you work and I instruct step your game up boy your real life is about as bad as your stats bro
Yeah , you need to step your game up pretty badly and learn pve isn't just story.
With how much you talk about cock, you must really taking it.
You're really still commenting lol dude hop off my cock and have fun in poverty with your payless job