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originally posted in: The Dark Below
11/1/2014 11:23:28 AM

[quote]3 more story missions and only 2 more levels, this is sssoooooo disapointing, and there is not even the smalest talk about a new planet... A ten year plan... Bungie, u need to wake up becuse this is bullshit.. This game wont even last to next summer... I was looking forward to a game that would expand for real... And this is not the case, u are giving us 2 more lightlevels and and 3 story missions and 1 new strike and 1 new raid.... What a epic failed u bungie have become... Give us atleast 5 more levels per expansionpack and atleast 1 more planet to explore with alot more stort missions.. I dont understand why u cant give us more for our hard earned money that we have chosen to pay for this game... U are losing our trust and its going fast... U need to pay more attention to us or your quest for world domination will be no more... I am very disaponted in you and i have loved you since the halo series but it really feels like that company is no more or please show me wrong cuse u are losing all your fans right now and your company will soon be doomed. You must be Living in some kind of dream where everything is great.. But cant u hear all your fans screaming for u to do something that will prove to us that u do listen and is working on a saloution becuse in this rate... U whont have Any fans that will be suporting or buying anything else from you... Ever. Please Change this or this all will be lost.. And very soon that is..[/quote] well he is kinda right but you guys could do that then add a huge one next time but still I'm getting kind of bored of destiny,I mean all the crucibles would get boring after a while again and all the weekly stuff would still get boring too but if you do add a huge one next time it needs to be soon or people will only play advanced warfare when it comes out.

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