Did Playstation users pay the same amount for Halo as Xbox users did?
Are Xbox users having to pay the same amount as Playstation users for less content in the DLC?
That is the point here. If I get less content on the Xbox One, fine, but less content for the same price - that's wrong.
play station users didn't get to play halo! that's more unfair than paying the same amount for like 1 less strike and 2 less bits of gear!
Edited by Brookerooarr: 11/1/2014 12:54:39 PMIt was a rhetorical question. If you went to the cinema with a friend and the guy in the ticket booth said your friend can watch the whole film for a fiver, but you had to leave 20 minutes from the end, but could come back in a years time to watch those 20 minutes, would you do it? It's not about the amount of content absent, or where it sits on the 'unfair' scale, Xbox users are essentially being asked to pay the same amount for an inferior version of the same product than Playstation users. It's that simple.