I wonder if the people moaning about how the dlc content should have been included in the game as it was "finished" at the games launch have ever upgraded their mobile phone. Or do they think that the iphone 6 technology has only just been invented? Wake up to real life folks.
Designed obsolescence, and getting ripped off are two VERY different things, champ. Cutting finished content from a game and charging a third of the game's price for it,is in no way ethical or morally right. To say the least it's -blam!-ed up and not "how the world works".
I refer to my original post. Have you for example ever shelled out for the iphone 4s or 5s? Same thing. As I've stated in replies elsewhere voice your opinion with your wallet. This is how things work, I know it's a shock but if you haven't come to terms with it by now real life is going to be really difficult.
Do you understand what "designed obsolescence" even means? It means that a manufacturer designs a product with parts that can be improved upon when cost to build become cheaper and manufacturing becomes more efficient to warrant the upgrade of a product. The concept of shelling out money for less than stellar expansion is in now way the same as designed obsolescence. On top of all of that I would also like to point out an iPhone does not actually throw the same parts in as the previous generation, various improvements are made such a processing power, better/bigger screen, better camera, more battery life, improvements to software integration and other similar improvements are made based on industry standards that might have changed over the generation gap between past and present products. You in fact don't know "how the world works". "Paying with your wallet" is not as simple as it seems voicing your opinion en masse is a more effective means to getting results, and in this day and age I'm not surprised that you and many others would think you're just another wallet in a sea of them. That's consumerism at work I suppose....
The fact that you think I don't know about consumerism and you mentioned ethics and morals I think is a clear indicator of where the knowledge lies.
I've been reading your comments to others on this thread. Clearly you like to think of yourself as the smartest person in the room and that's okay, but when you bash others for voicing an opinion in a way that you deem unfit for getting results, someone had to knock you down a few pegs, eventually. you throw out a few line here and there in replies to others with a different opinion then yours but never really putting any tangible evidence or meaning to what you say. For instance, you said that I think you don't know what consumerism is. I believe you know but I don't believe you know why consumerism is no necessarily a good thing. Don't throw quick judgement on others just to get your fill of "who is not as smart as me?" today. when you can actually articulate your words into thoughtful speech and not "I think I know where the knowledge lies" the we'll talk. Otherwise good day, sir.
No modern day consumerism is not a good thing as it's based around exploitation. That being said however, if people are so outraged by having to shell out what is slightly more than todays price of a cinema ticket as it's "morally and ethically wrong" then some perspective is required. Either that or some people here must spend their entire day in perpetual outrage at what's going on around them. Even if it is, crying on a forum and then shelling out for it isn't going to solve the problem is it?
Well do you find a price of $20 okay for just [b]3[/b] new Story Missions 2 Strikes and some useless stuff okay? For $20 I expect something like that: - 10 new Story Missions - (at least) 5 new Strikes (ON BOTH SYSTEMS) - New Ghost Shells - New Ships - Ship/Weapon Customization - New Armors - New Weapons - New Abilitys - Ship Fights (whats the point of an armed Jumpship if you can't fight with it?(Also they did it already in Halo Reach))
I never said it was okay but when you think about it, what can you get for $20 today? A trip to the cinema? Dose of realism required.
Yea well how much does lube cost nowadays? A few bucks, it still does matter if you are getting fuucked up the ass
I don't know I prefer to go rough.
Is that real enough for u.
Millions of people paid $15 for only 4 new Call of Duty MP maps, so with what we get for $20 I feel is pretty good.
-blam!- you're dumb.
Given that dumb refers to someones inability or unwillingness to speak that clearly is not the case. Please elaborate.
Oh yeah i forgot, everybody who plays vids these days is a scientist. Gaming companies literally expect you to pay $100+ for their games, and it's to the point where consumers are telling other consumers to shut up & get use to it. -blam!- that. If there wasn't 8 billion people on this planet we wouldn't have to put up with this shit.
What the hell are vids and what the hell are you taking about?!?
Yes, but there are so you're going to have to deal with it. Do you think this is the first time this has happened? Here's a thought, if you don't want it, don't buy it. That's how consumerism works. Protest with your pocket, not with childish words and then fork out for it anyway.
He speaks the truth, the only way Bungie or Activision are going to listen to us, is by our wallets.
Shut up google go back to searching porrn for us lmao
You can't tell me what to do! You little human, lol
Yes I can you fuucking fake ass robot wannabe
I wouldn't insult google, it knows more about you than you care to admit