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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Maybe I'm wrong but considering what I've come to learn about modern day issues, involving money, love and miscellaneous even. It's that when you find yourself wondering what or why something has come to be... Simply look through the perspective that greed is the primary driving force somewhere in the equation , yea this applies to all facets of life unfortunately. That being said., it is Christmas time and Bungie has a lot of upper class employees u imagine as well as some lower rung ones as well and all or most of them probably just as greedy as the next guy... So I'd bet quite a bit in the fact that they are simply exploitin the timing of things to soak up a huge amount of extra money just so they can all have big Xmas bonuses... Especially when they are selling content that was shaved from the launch product just for this reason.... They may say this isn't true but to be honest it doesn't really matter whether it is or isn't bc ppl will buy the shot anyways even though they know thy are getting screwed... But that's the mind set these days of nearly all gamers. So this behavior will never stop, similar to games that sell access to alpha and beta stages with big promises then after there pockets are stuffed and they have moved out of the country for a bigger office wink wink they pull out and say they can't handle the game ..... Modern day thieves plain and simple

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