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originally posted in: The Dark Below
11/1/2014 2:55:36 PM
You and your stupid dreams! Bungie left microsoft to start on their own project which is the best selling game! Microsoft wasnt shit and isnt shit without bungie and halo started to quickly dead once 343 studios took over! Wake up kid! Bungie probably could have been even bigger had they not done what the did and did their own thing from the start like they did with Destiny! All you little xbox fanboys didnt cry a bit when xbox was getting exclusive content but now that you get it in return its all QQ and childish complaints.. Just buy a different game if you dont like it or go play your titanfall! Haha I mean Titanfall isnt dead already and its the CoD killer remember! You xbox fanbous bashed Sony that they werent getting that durning the console wars but oh no not time exclusive content to sony in destiny! QQ some more please! Bungie was always good with microsoft and even better without microsoft so microsoft held bungie back from what ive seen!!!

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