Disappointed as fck, this 'legendary' auto rifle that I earned which also costed 150 vanguard marks is complete garbage, so a tip for everyone, DO NOT BUY DOCTOR NOPE!
Edited by DEZARATH: 11/1/2014 2:56:17 PMAt first I thought so to. I even handed it off to my Hunter so I could concentrate on my Shadow Price. Then I'd leveled it. For some reason it worked with my Hunter. The damn thing started wrecking everything thrown at it. Some of the harder Ai, yeah you have mow them down with a clip and a half. But the Bosses. It just chews the faces off the bosses. With my Hunter build I'm pushing like 740 rounds and it is a mini gun on suppressive fire and assists. Short bursts do pin point damage. The biggest hurdle is the upward recoil. But once you get used to it, it's a great gun. I'd still get both it and the Shadowprice. Trust me I can understand the this gun sucks, but after a bit I found it wiped away my buyer's remorse.