How about you A-holes at bungie fix the broken shit we are stuck with before getting into this very small and limited DLC pack that had BETTER be free.
Wheres the buff to thorn and juju? Why are auto rifles almost useless in PVE? How about fixing the server errors? Why does suros still OP when firing like a scout rifle? Why did you destroy shotguns in PVP but not alter the fusion rifles?! They should be equal to shotguns.
FIX THE CURRENT ISSUES before making stupid shit like a pumpkin helmet WTF bungie do you even logic??
Everyone listen this man is wise please sit an take notes
Dude I thought I was the only one that noticed all this shit too especially the weak helmet u get for holiday specials
Nah man, those of us that are not sheepish fanboys and actually use our brains lol well buddy we logic ;)