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originally posted in: The Dark Below
11/1/2014 4:31:58 PM
[quote]6 weeks in and still occupying every gaming hour, what more could one ask for....more strikes?....Raids?....Story?....Maps?....Gear?.....oh's on the way.....can't wait![/quote] Not one for drama. But you are lost bro. Maybe your parents still buy you everything and you have no comprehension of the value of money. But this type of game is what gaming is becoming and it's not a good thing. Promised one thing and being delivered a half ass version of it is not OK. Then saying, "oh, its still coming but by the end will cost you triple, maybe even quadruple what we originally said. Thanks!" They say gaming is starting to die down, well its the GREED of these companies that are causing it. STOP BEING GREEDY AND START PUTTING OUT GAMES WORTH A SHIT!!

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