Need to complete both of these soon!
Level 28 Titan
Not gonna lie, not the best player, just wanna get them done but not be too serious about it!
Gt: CharrrRHWOAR
Already did it this week. I'll help for next weeks nightfall
Lvl 27 hunter add me
Nightfall anyone?
Lookin to do VoG first time sometime tonigh. Lv 28 Warlock. Gt LB1983
Whichever :) GT: CannonFodd3rRdy Level 26 Defender Titan
If you still can't find anyone try here, you choose, it would be rude for me to pick.
Im in for nightfall. PJ in pjs
Anybody wanna do the nightfall now?
Okay, just need two more (:
I'm in, gt Edge the Bokkin
I'll help you out. Level 30 Warlock Level 29 Titan Level 29 Hunter Xbox One Gamertag: XPlayaSkillzx
I'll do the raid with u just completed it but didn't get raid gear so have to do it again I'll message u on xbone