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originally posted in: The Dark Below
11/1/2014 7:55:06 PM
You're getting new srikes and a raid.

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  • 1 strike and 1raid is not an expansion. Destiny needs more PvE content, 1strike n 1raid isnt gonna do shit

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  • Well shit, I guess Bungie should just magic up a new planet every week. Cause it's that -blam!-ing easy. One raid and a few strikes plus new missions and quest mechanic is more than enough for 3 months. That stuff is hard to make.

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  • I never said a planet every week. But yes an expansion should bring a new planet. 1strike n a raid is not enough content for 3 months Lol You only get rewards from the raid once a week. The strike ill do it once and then ill only do it if its a Nightfall or weekly. Once a week again. Im not even gonna bring up the 3regular. maps. The PvP maps are a plus, i love PvP, but what Destiny needs is more PvE content. Im. Lvl30 Hunter, i enjoy thid game. But 1 strike n a raid is not an expansion.

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  • It is two strikes...a raid...3 new story line weapons and armor....3 new pvp maps...etc Thats more than enough for 3 months. If you don't think so, go look how long it takes to make a tree.

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  • 2 strikes only for PS users. 1 strike and a raid Im not even gonna bring up the 3 regular missions which you'll do once and never again, except IF theres a bounty. I didnt bring up the PvP maps because although i love PvP, but what Destiny needs is PvE content. So PvE wise, whats left. 1 strike n a raid. How is that enough for 3 months? Do u realize than u only get rewards from the raid once a week. And you will most likely do the strike if its a nightfall or weekly, i doubt u will be repeating the same strike over and over and over for 3months just for the hell of it. Im not hating on this game, im a Lvl 30 hunter and i enjoy it. But 1 strike and a raid is not enough PvE content for an expansion.

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  • Hey, the console war has nothing to do with this. Bungie was caught in the crossfire. If you feel butthurt cause you're xbox, too bad, that's how we feel when ya'll have Halo, Tomb Raider, early CoD add ons, etc. Nowadays each game has a console. Live with it. Technically, the strike is 2 strikes and a raid plus you're still ignoring the new quest mechanic. Look it up. Sorta like bounties but more linear. And 2 strikes and a raid is way more than enough if you think about other DLCs for other games. CoD? 4 maps and a PvE map < 2 PvE dungeons and 1 Huge PvE raid (not even going with the story campaign and PvP). Coding maps is extremely simple compared to actually putting stuff in them, and I bet they are working a ton on the raid in order not to make the same silly mistake as last time (Atheon falling off lol, so dumb). So unless you've actually worked on some sort of programming, stop saying its nothing. Honestly, it's more than I expected. The quest mechanic and the inclusion of so many new exotics is gonna be enough for a collector like myself. As long as there are still items or grimmore cards you don't have, there's still something for you to do. If you want a big expansion, wait two years like they do for WoW, because that's how long it takes to make shit like that. You forget this game is the first attempt at console only FPS MMORPG. Don't expect perfection off the bat, and maybe you'll be less disappointing. Or go play the other shitty game you have and leave the other 2 million people to enjoy the game for what it is; a new adventure with no one knowing where or how far it will go.

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  • I do enjoy this game, ive put almost 200hours into it. You bringing up CoD, but thats one of the reasons ppl got tired of CoD, because of all the bad DLC. My only say is that they should have added more PvE content in this expansion, 1 or 2 strikes isnt gonna cut it for me. Not even a single new planet. But lately ive been enjoying more PvP, Clash mostly. The Crucible is fun as hell, and im pretty good at it. I just wish there was more PvE stuff .

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  • Youre an idiot and still dont understand what im saying. Im done trying to explain why they didnt add more than they did. Have fun living in ignorance

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  • There is no justifying them only adding PvE wise only a strike or 2 & a raid. Considering the fact that i can only get rewards from the raid once a week, so its not like im gonna be doing the raid every day all 3 months. The strikes ill do them IF they're nightfall. So whats left, PvE wise, the same stuff we had, plus 3regular ol missions.

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  • Im done arguing with you. I give up. Some wrongs you just cant right.

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  • True, no matter what i say it wont change the fact that it was wrong of them to add so little PvE content to the expansion.

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  • It must be sad that Bungie has to deal with idiots like yourself

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  • Its sad that the expansion is only a strike or two, n a raid

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  • lol

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