Hello? Is anybody wondering what the hell the weird; hooded, three-eyed, crying, armour-clad pale person is on the image? Because I am. Any thoughts or speculation? I hope that's not Crota. If Crota is a person I'll...well...never mind.
Maybe crota has a huge monster ogre-dragon that is much more impressive than this little dude
The female is most likely Eris. Also on the "read more" portion that takes you to the website, Crota is referred to as He. Making it unlikely he would be female.
Sephiroth obviously can't read English,as I clearly stated that I was referring to the image in the notes if the human-looking creature.
Crota, definetly Crota.
They allready said crota is the hive god their trying to summon in the new dlc strikes coming out why don't u read before posting ....
I was thinking that as well.
Eris I believe