originally posted in:DoD Beyond
Alright guys time to start breaking down and giving in, who uses the psn app and the destiny companion app? I use both and love it....
For those who don't know, in the destiny companion app while in orbit you can actually change your gear.
I use the website and mobile app all the time. I also use the Destiny Tracker for public events. I'm always tuned in.
I use both at the same time. Also there's an app called "Destiny Timers" and "Destiny LFG" on iOS. I don't know about android users. Haven't spent time on Google Play. Also when I'm playing, it's easy to send a quick text/info when you don't have a mic.
I use it almost exclusively, I'm never on the website
I'm on my the companion app right now, actually. It helps curb (more like feed) my Destiny addiction regularly. One of the better decisions Bungie made for the game.