I think they are due for a buff and a big one. One hit kill type of buff (in the head). I mean c'mon, if your a hunter you know out of 10 throws, probably 2 or 3 depending on your skill will hit the target. And when it does, you excpect a kill, not almost dead but not. Just saying, if it takes skill, it should get the kill.
Edited by iAmE: 11/2/2014 1:22:02 AMSo, the melee that does average damage to the body, and the second highest damage if you hit them in the head, that also has the farthest range of any melee ability, needs a buff? Why, exactly? Sunsinger does 135? damage, and grants a 55 shield, at a 6 meter range, and 1 shots during the super (Which if they use it to revive, it is the only super that actually is only gives the person +25 points, because you killed them once and got the points for said kill). Titan Shoulder Charges are an ohko and have a build up, and shorter range, however they're more effective when turning corners. There's literally no justification for the buff, and less then no reason to. Gunslingers marginally below average jumps are balanced by the fact that they have the best melee and the best super when used correctly. Bladedancers have a great melee ability, great jump, to balance their mediocre super. Same way sunsinger has a great melee and great grenades to balance out their mediocre super.