My gamer tag is MonkeyDLuffy71 in xbox1 pls help me with raid
[quote]My gamer tag is MonkeyDLuffy71 in xbox1 pls help me with raid[/quote] Alright im on right now if u want
And my level is 26!!
[quote]And my level is 26!![/quote] Hey thanks we'll add you tommorow when do you play?
[quote]And my level is 26!![/quote] Hey lets us three do it later today my gamertag is DrPresidentPhd
Joyybob level 28 Titan guy isn't chating with us maybe he can't come idk!!?!?
[quote]Joyybob level 28 Titan guy isn't chating with us maybe he can't come idk!!?!?[/quote] Dont worry he'll come probably
And dude one more thing I am a kid who is 12 years is it ok with you but I have a lot of skills!!!
[quote]And dude one more thing I am a kid who is 12 years is it ok with you but I have a lot of skills!!![/quote] Thats cool as long as you arent acting obnoxious
K cool so when do we do it I think we can do it 15th November as my birthday gift for 18th November because I am freaking busy at 10th to 14th and 16th to 18th
15th time 5 I clock k
[quote]K cool so when do we do it I think we can do it 15th November as my birthday gift for 18th November because I am freaking busy at 10th to 14th and 16th to 18th[/quote] Just message me when u ready ill probably be able too play
Now let's do it
[quote]Now let's do it[/quote] Cant till ~2 but i will be on then i have a band thing
Dude I got one more who is level 28 warlock
Ok but one thing r u having Xbox 1 console???
[quote]Ok but one thing r u having Xbox 1 console???[/quote] Ya man we already have three people with an xbone so ya just play tonight and ill add you:D
Ok mate add me too