I'm 28, no VOG wins, never got past the templar because everyone always bails with "It's too hard, we're not ready." So I doubt you'd need to beat the Vault before the second raid. Just hope they don't have the minimum level at 30, otherwise anyone who's never beaten the vault will be seriously lagging.
Can run it with us, if you're on PS4. My gamer tag is the same as my name on here
on 360, otherwise I'd join.
I need to run the vog add me whoshotcha2-3
That's what I mean I'm saying I hope you don't have to do the vog in order to do the other one
I expect it will be similar requirements with the option for both raids to be done on the higher level difficulty in order to retain the appeal of vog for better geared players. They wouldn't have made vog with the claim it was their most complicated ever and then remove the need to play it a few months later.