Do you think if they could give activision the finger they would have been able to make the game? Activision has clearly put a lot of money into it and they want to get that money back plus profit. Without activision, we would probably still be sitting around wondering if destiny will ever come out.
Ya I knew that. I would have rather waited...
Well since people are opening up their eyes to the shit Activision does they are gonna lose out on alot of money BC of how they wronged us. Check out the angry review guy about destiny. He hit the nail on the head about this game. The good and the bad. And he was right, all this game is, is nothing more than a grinders paradise after lvl 20. On your way to lvl 20 its pretty fun. The combat is awesome but the missions were designed lazily, it nothing but horde mode when you get the ghost to certain spots. There's no fuuckking story whatsoever. Why did the traveler bring us back to life had that ability the whole time, but couldn't do it when the fuucckking darkness came to earth? Who built the exos? Why can't eris explain why shit is this way? Why is the last boss battle nothing more than 3 fucckking minibosses? We fuuccking complain BC WE HAVE ALL SEEN WHAT BUNGIE WAS CAPABLE OF WITH ITS PREVIOUS GAMES. Now Activision is gutting our hearts as well as our wallets.
"Wronged us" - who? How have they actually wronged you?
I mean are you that much of a devout fanboy to bungie and Activision? You say you don't like the bitching and moaning on here yet you can't seem to turn away from our posts. It just perplexes me that their are oblivious problems with this game BC of the creators bungie who made the halo series. And marathon. And myth.
Fanboy? Yeah I'm a fanboy mate. I buy everything at launch date because I'm retarded and pay for DLC in advance. I also like soup with little sausages in it. Actually that last part is true.
I'm not your mate, I don't wish to have sex with you and we are definely not linked to any spiritual connection
Aww :(. Now that's real dissapointment.
Ok sparky I'll bite, they wronged us by basically selling us the game version of snake oil, we thought we were getting this great product BC the people putting their name behind this product sold us great products in the past. Name brand recognition is what they used on us. You know if you played a game like elder scrolls 3,4,5 from Bethesda or their fallout games you know from previous experience with that company's product its going to be great and have that gold standard experience. Now if destiny was made by a lesser known company, people wouldn't bitch as much as they do about this game and it'd probably wouldn't make it to the one year mark. Somewhere in the back of your mind you gotta feel this isn't the best bungie has to offer. And in no way can this be their dream game. If this final product is their dream game then I won't buy another game from bungie or Activision ever again and why Activision you say, BC after seeing their business tactics in games now. I don't trust that they will sell me a decent product without there being some financial catch to it down the line. Why can't I pay 60 bucks for a game and have a good product. Why gut the story into dlcs? Why couldn't they write more stories for future dlcs and give us the option of enhancing our game instead of completing an empty story? Why?
Hold the line. There is a difference between a game not living up to the hype and your expectations and you being "wronged". I think you need a bit of perspective here. You didn't have to buy the game on launch date. You could have waited for it to be reviewed properly and then make a decision on that. You know, the sensible way. Halo was good, there were Halo titles that weren't that good. I like the game, i enjoy playing it. Certainly don't feel hard done by and definitely don't feel "wronged" because a computer game wasn't exactly how a PR team said it was going to be.
And you're right I should've have waited. I not saying you're wrong on that. I bought something that I trusted was gonna be great and now that the trust is broken I won't do it again.
I don't like grinders paradise games. I like some grinding but not all the fuuucckking time though