So, of course I'm in the usual VoG fireteam where no one is cooperating and everything falls apart in the matter of 15 minutes.
Been there, done that.
After one person leaves in frustration, the leader decides to bring us back to orbit and find another player for the raid.
My friend then joins the party and asks if I wanted to join his group of 3 level 29s 3 level 30s in the hard VoG
I gladly accept, and then part ways to go join his party of [u]actual[/u] decent raiders
I then get a message from this guy in my previous match.
I open it up, and he says, (in a redneck tone) "Wow dude you're just about as cool as an ice cube on a hot dog d!ck. F*cking appreciate you d!cking us over like that. Go stand in traffic and get hit by a bus pal, thanks."
Probably my funniest encounter on Destiny ever Hahahaha
What does "dog duck" mean? Is that urban slang? Or something to do with huntin'?