Well since people are opening up their eyes to the shit Activision does they are gonna lose out on alot of money BC of how they wronged us. Check out the angry review guy about destiny. He hit the nail on the head about this game. The good and the bad. And he was right, all this game is, is nothing more than a grinders paradise after lvl 20. On your way to lvl 20 its pretty fun. The combat is awesome but the missions were designed lazily, it nothing but horde mode when you get the ghost to certain spots. There's no fuuckking story whatsoever. Why did the traveler bring us back to life had that ability the whole time, but couldn't do it when the fuucckking darkness came to earth? Who built the exos? Why can't eris explain why shit is this way? Why is the last boss battle nothing more than 3 fucckking minibosses? We fuuccking complain BC WE HAVE ALL SEEN WHAT BUNGIE WAS CAPABLE OF WITH ITS PREVIOUS GAMES. Now Activision is gutting our hearts as well as our wallets.
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