So I work at a Local Pizza shop, and I would rate my looks 5-6/10, I'm honestly not a impressive guy. I was working register by myself, when a girl a knew (Let's call her May) from school walked in with the most weird ass grin on her face.
I know this girl pretty well, she was super energetic and socially awkward (I would compare her to Starfire from Teen Titans). So I smile at her, trying to be nice, and ask her if "I could help her."
This is were things get serious as hell. Her grin becomes borderline demonic, and says "Oh, you certainly can. Does the gas station across the road have a bathroom?"
I looked at her, confused as all hell, replying "Ya, but we have a bathroom here if you need to use it."
She looked at me with that smile, and said "Well, I was hoping me and you could have sex."
Now I guess I should give a bit of backstory. I have been in a dedicated relationship for almost a year now with a girl my age. May was four years younger than me and just broke up with her boyfriend, who I knew banged her, because he always bragged about being her first. They split up not even a month ago, and she had been looking depressed in school. Me and my girlfriend began to become Mays friend, and invited her to after school events, my girlfriend invited May to her Birthday party, etc.
The part that gets me is, one, why she would all of a sudden get the hots for me, and two, why she would try to hurt my girlfriend by doing this.
I just looked at her, kinda pissed off, and said "No, I love my current girlfriend and am not willing to have sex with you."
Her smile turned to a frown, and she said "I started on the pill for my boyfriend though. Won't you please? I'm desperate."
So then I got much more frustrated then I should have, and said "You're not even god damn sixteen and you are looking around for sex? You need to leave and rethink your life. You're better than this May."
She looked down and said "Maybe you're right." and left.
So, did I do the right thing. I felt like I did the right thing, but I could have been nicer about it.
Good4U :)