How many Vault of Glass (normal or hard mode) completions did it take for you to get your 3 pieces of raid armor on one character?
I'm currently at 4 completed runs, and I've only looted Vision of Confluence and Found Verdict. I ask this because two other clan mates I've completed all my runs with are maxing out to level 30, while I'm getting left in the dust. With about a month until the expansion and the new Crota raid I really want to hit level 30...Anyone else in the same boat?
This week we hit every chest (except for the supposed 6/7th chest) and beat it start to end. What did I get? SHARDS FROM EVERY DROP AND A STUPID SHADER THAT'S CRAPPIER THAN BITTERSTEEL.
It was 18 for my hunter. 11 for my warlock and fortunately only 6 for my Titan.
I have 15+ runs as a hunter and maybe 2-3 on my titan and they both have same amount of raid gear.
13 runs 3 peics
3 times a week ( one of each class ) like 20 some times...all I have to show is a shader
15 Runs and not one piece of Raid Armor yet.... Guess I'm just waiting until Iron Banner 30 gear releases at this point...
Heh ive at least done 15 runs and ive gotten tons of stuff! Just only one piece if armor =/
Edited by Mobius: 11/3/2014 12:44:49 PMI put 7+ and I still haven't gotten there yet, LOL. in that's between three level 29 characters and over 500 hours of gaming on top of that. they would rather try to "fix" exploits and screw their player base rather than trying to increase their enjoyment makes no damn sense to me. and every time they fix the raid a just seems like they break it more and screw their player base even more all because of some whiny bitches.
Hunter: 4 runs until 30 Titan: 2 runs until 30 Warlock: not done raid yet.
Normal runs 1st partial run - boots(all strength) Chatterwhite 2nd full run - guantlets(dis & int) & chest(all strength) 3rd full run - All shards 4th partial run - another chest(all disapline - scrapped old chest piece) Hard Mode Atheon Cheese - VoC, Aspect of Glass, Ascen. Energy
2 runs for my warlock: Gloves, chestpiece, Patience and Time, Hezon RL, Beyond LIGHT, Found Verdict 2x, Vision of Confluence, Atheons Epilogue, shards, energy, chatterwhite. I'm just waiting/hoping on boots and Praedyth's Revenge. 2 runs for my titan: Found Verdict, shards, energy. Chatterwhite. That's kinda messed up that one character gets nothing but I can't complain with hearing how some people have done every week and have nothing to show for it but shards and energy. It should be some kind of guaranteed loot drop at certain points.
The loot rates suck but it's the only way to get to lvl 30. I mean seriously giving a sparrow, shader or ship as a reward instead of armour or weapons is just dumb.
3 Normal Clears, 1 Hard Atheon Cheese. 2 x Raid Boots. 1 x Raid Chest. 1 x Raid Helmet. Shame I don't have any Exotic Arms, was hoping Xur would sell No Backup Plans.
...i've said this many times before - while im fine with Normal mode to be left with RANDOM rewards, there HAS to be GUARANTEED upgrade each time you complete VoG on HARD. now, it doesnt necessarily have to be the Armor, but by all means the Devs should implement some kind of Upgrade Material which would allow you to add EXTRA LIGHT SLOT to ANY Legendary armor you already have, period
Don't understand the poll, so I won't screw up your statistics. I did it 6 times with 2 armor pieces, I have an fully upgraded exotic in the same place.
I've done it 3 times now, and only got the sparrow, even the achievement is still glitches. My hunter had the worst luck...
Same here bro ! I'm sitting down and rowing and when I turn around your rt there in the same damn boat ! Shit sucks
I probably have the some of the worst luck. 7 runs hunter - 0 pieces 2 runs Titan - 1 piece 1 run warlock - 1 piece (duplicate)
My group of 6 that does it every week together has completed the raid every week except for the first it was out. Also, we completed hard mode Saturday night. That said, we only have 1 guy who has reached level 30. I started to think about it more and realized that it is actually possible for someone to NEVER be able to reach level 30. If you are not lucky enough to get the drops, you may never max out your light level. This needs to be changed. (I am hoping the iron banner level 30 light is attainable).
I'm at 4 runs, I have the cloak, the sniper, and the autorifle. Took a kid through today, it was his first time. He got the arms, the helmet, the sniper, and plan C (exotic fusion rifle)
I had been waiting on the boots for a few weeks. Alas, two weeks ago I received them, with some pretty decent stats. I don't think I complained about RNG once really, guess it's all that damn Diablo 3 I've played. Sometimes just toughing it out is the only way, good things will happen eventually.
I had all the raid gear after my first hard raid, but I never get the weapons. Only more damn raid gear, I'm not complaining though! I just really want some new weapons, if only there was a system where you could trade between your raid members for a certain amount of time.
I got a sniper rifle and a ton of a ascendant
2 (and almost a full run on hard) and I got my armor set with those two normal runs. I also have received VoC, Praedyth's Revenge, and two Epitah snipers.
6 and recieved everything but the boots
3 level 29 characters, been doing the raid with each of them every week for the past few weeks... Do I need to say more? BS RNG.