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originally posted in:StreamerHouse
11/1/2014 4:08:54 AM

Dear Bungie, My Body Is Ready

This was originally going to be a comment in the "Dear Bungie, I Quit" thread, but it got way too long for that. Probably not the opinion people want to hear, but the level of entitlement in the Destiny community is astounding. This is coming from a long history of MMO-playing (started WoW 2 months after release, played till Cataclysm. Played multiple other MMOs casually over the years). The rate at which you expect content, good quality content, to be produced is absurd. So you no-lifed the game immediately upon release, hit 30 before all your friends, and now you just complain that the game isn't catering to the fact that you have spent 150-200 hours (6-8 24-hour-days of your life) in a little over a month to race to the level cap. The ridiculous amount of hype/expectations for the game didn't really come from Bungie, it came from online game review sites and from you, the community. You wanted WoW Mists of Pandaria raiding/quests, Guild Wars PvP, and the gunplay of Halo, all at release. You expected this game to be the most massive/best MMO/FPS that has ever been released, and so much of the community has resorted to rage circle-jerking the moment they found out this wasn't what the game was on release. When you base your entire opinion of a game on what the trailers show/look like, with a game of this scope, you are bound to be disappointed. When a game like this is announced as a long term project that will have content added and many, many patches over the years (like WoW), and yet you expect the finished product upon release, you are the one at fault, not Bungie. Take for example the constant complaint of Bungie "not letting you play the game the way you want" with nerfing loot farming areas, eliminating cheese-mode ridiculously easy raid strats, and taking away shard farming from Queen's Wrath. I'll start off by saying RNGesus is a bastard. He's a cold, hard, sonofabitch who couldn't give two shits about you, but occasionally tosses some loot your way, if he feels like it. But you know what? RNGesus has always been a bastard. Doesn't matter what game you are talking about, it has always been this way. In WoW, I raided for months, not the mere 5 weeks this game has been out, literally up to 4-5 months on some characters, and still never reached perfect gear on most of them. On top of the fact that you had to pray to RNGesus that the gear for your class even dropped, you then had to roll a random number between 1-100, and if some other Hunter/Mage/Warrior etc rolled a 71, and you rolled a 70, guess who got the loot? I went for weeks without even seeing the piece I needed drop, and then usually getting unlucky and rolling a 13 or something similar when it did. Sure, there were about 3 different raids worth doing every week, and I had one of each class at max level to do the content, but these raids were just as repetitive as VoG, and not hard at all. After doing it for a couple weeks, you knew exactly where to stand, what to avoid, when a boss was going into a different phase, and to not stand in fire. It became just another bragging rights contest of who could do the most DPS during the fight. Did having maxed gear and doing 30k DPS on Lich King mean you were more likely to get that last piece of purple gear you needed? Nope. RNGesus is a dick. First, loot farming areas like the Cave, Rocketyard, and all the other random spots people have found. Why did you expect these areas to stay the way they were? So you're unhappy with RNGesus, your blue engrams are turning into greens, your purple engrams are turning into blues, so you decide that since you want that top tier gear AS FAST AS POSSIBLE, you should just go to the cave where unlimited numbers of level 6 enemies spawn, and mindlessly shoot at them for hours on end. Your Cryptarch level is like 12+, he's even been handing you potential legendaries every level-up (key word: potential), and you've basically steered the game away from PvP/PvE, all in the name of "-blam!- you Bungie, you made me do this with your stupid drop rates". RNGesus is a bastard and he doesn't like you, man up. If a spot like this had been found in WoW, which would have been very unlikely given that mobs have loot tables, that shit would have been patched overnight, not in a week like Cave and Rocketyard. You got a whole free week to exploit the loot system, all because you didn't like that some level 20 noob got a legendary from a Crucible match and you got nothing, and then you have the nerve to say Bungie "isn't letting you play the game the way you want"? So you just want easy mode, no effort drops, all the time? Go to a pay2win game, they will gladly take your money so that you can buy the best gear in the game as soon as you can wear it. Next up, taking away your ability to cheese-mode what are expected to be the hardest fights in the game. Not much to say here, other than the fact that you figured out how to make a complicated, scripted boss fight so easy that you could bring level 25s along with your raid, have them dance on top of a pillar/throw themselves off the ledge at Atheon, and still beat the hardest bosses in the game, and even give them the potential to get the best gear in the game. At level 25. For this, I can admit its Bungie's fault. Those were unforeseen ways of beating bosses that Bungie didn't plan on, you exploited them as hard as possible while you had the chance, and then Bungie patched them so you couldn't continue to use them forever. Just like with the loot caves, it didn't even get hotfixed, you had plenty of time to use these strats, and you should have been expecting that this would happen all along. WoW boss fights didn't really have any exploits, and if they did, that shit was hotfixed in a matter of days, and the raid would often be locked until it was fixed. Consider yourselves lucky that you got to cheese-mode the hardest content in the game, probably undergeared for it, or carrying someone who was, for as long as you did. Finally, the Queen's Wrath shard nerf. Another pretty basic one, the missions weren't hard at all, and then you turned in tokens for guaranteed legendaries by farming the Cosmodrome bounty which took about 5 minutes to complete, and were getting the end-game gear currency for little-to-no effort. Oh no, they took away your ability to max out all your gear within a week, and probably still have shards left over for when you got gear from cheesing VoG bosses. So sad. This rant has been way too long, but this is stuff that has been building up in my head since basically week 2 of the game. I can't tell whether the vast vocal majority of the community is whiney, entitled children, or if everyone, even the people who remember the early days of MMO gaming, the bugs, the exploits, and overpowered classes, are just hopping on the rage-circlejerk-bandwagon. Take a step back, and look at what you are demanding from a game that has been out for a month. 1 month. In the meantime, I'm gonna go log into the game and continue to have fun killing all you 28+ players with my level 27s. Feel free to respond, cuss me out, downvote me, or in rare occasions, make a decent argument against what I have said. I encourage discussion, I'd like to hear your feedback, and I promise to keep it civil. See you in the Crucible! And hit me up on PS4: BottleOBrandy

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  • Edited by DanielKBoom: 11/2/2014 6:22:40 PM
    Your opinion, that's it. Here is mine. Who creates a game that you need parties to complete it, with no way of looking for those parties in the game? Bungie. There are so many flaws with this game. I can't list them all. The comm. sucks. No story/stories. I mentioned the no LFG tools in the game. How many currencies? How many mats of crap? All for what? Your answer? Wait and see? I truly believe we are paying test subjects in a on going beta. This game should be shut down and re-launched. They have great game mechanics and graphics. That's it. Nothing more. Let them finish this without us. You said you played MMOs. You pay a sub? Those games want you to continue to play. They make their money that way. They keep us entertained, we keep playing. I'm not entertained that much any more with this game. It is starting to annoy me and I bought the season pass up front. I will be leaving, I play FF14 ARR. On day one of that game. The content, the stories, the adventures. Blow this game away. The Dev's give the players feedback. They poll the players. I never saw that before. It was my first MMO. If you like this? Good. I'm not here to slam you. I have seen better. I don't like this. If we stand by and let them do this. Without speaking up. They or others will do it again. Good luck.

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