Just thought since the PSN 2.0 update came out I'd upload this clip that I have had. Thanks for any comments or support or even constructive criticism.
[b]EDIT:[/b] Thank you to everyone who watched and are watching my video. I had no idea that I would get nearly 1,900 views overnight. For those that say that I was using cheap tactics and to do what I did in this video required "No skill" I would like to invite you into the same situation and to perform the same. I also died a few times before I started the killstreak and that was because I was playing like I had teammates to back me up which ended up failing. I needed to change my game plan get to place where I could control my environment best and that was in the hallway. This let me control behind me and in front of me while also limiting easy access to me by multiple players. I recognize that no everyone will like the gameplay or the play style but I thank everyone for the positive and negative feedback. It made my day this morning when I saw my first real video get 1,900 views in one night :D
Also for those wondering I was using a[b] Shingen-E[/b] with a stability perk and a [b]Black Chasma Esc[/b] upgraded.
[b]EDIT 2:[/b] WOW! Thank you all for all your feedback! This video was a quick after thought last night before I hit the sack and now I have 3,000 views! That's crazy. I hope to post more videos of good gameplay in the future. To see more sub and I will get those videos out as soon as I can. Thanks so much again!
[b]EDIT 3:[/b] I uploaded a new video of my very first "Mark of the Unbroken" medal. I go 37-0. Here is the link: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dnkbCFRlmg[/url]
Let me know what you think on these forum and in the video comments.
Almost the exact same thing happened to me. I was playing SWAT on Halo Reach, and my entire team bailed on me. I was on my own against six others, but I still won the match...barely. My score was 86 and the other team had 83. Yet I still suck at the Crucible. Hmm....
Just a shout-out to that fart-bag at the end who tea-bagged you. Not to mention your good sportsmenship we need more people like you!
Way to stick with it and do a Damn good job of it! I've had a game where the other team lost all but one of it's players. They stuck with it as well and eventually got a squad resupply XD
You guys want to see a good video check out my YouTube. We were down by 1200 points and they needed one more kill to win and I was with 2 randoms and I clutched it and made a full comeback and we won it. I got every kill while protecting my 2 little noob randoms and we weren't camping! It was crazy!
Please put me up 1vs6 against an unorganized team any day. Fresh meat all to myself.
Did anyone else notice the scrub who tea-bagged at the end when they stopped his killstreak? No, he didn't have (or nearly have) more points than your whole team by himself or anything...
Good sport keeping at it while your entire team left you. These naysayers are dicks
Anyone else see the Pokeball at the 1:00 mark?
Its not hard to get a 10 killstreak lol
I love that one asshole whose teabagging you after you killed literally 15 of them. Oh boy he really showed you. Out of curiosity, what guns were you using?
+1000 That was beautiful to watch.
Pretty awsome vid. My favorite part is the end, when you got the stregnth of the wolf by yourself. Respect.
Wow, good save! Was totally expecting you to ragequit but you really stuck with it. This vid really makes me regret sharding my Invisible Hand M7. :-(
Edited by area51agent: 11/3/2014 9:47:53 PMThat was awesome, I've never seen someone use blink so effectively. :D Wouldn't mind adding if you're on ps4, username is my psn.
Lmaoooo fishgill500 teabagged at the end like he did something. He had -blam!-ing 0 points hahahah
Alright as said many times... You did some NOOBY stuff... Shotgun... Blink... Hunter... Arc Blade... But you did some pretty clever things... Get Kills YOUR Way... Who really gives a damn at the end of the day... You got kills, you did well. Sorry if others can't do as well as you coz they persist in trying to win using a hand cannon... Props to you man, congratulations... Idk if you Xbone or PS4 but if your PS4 then your welcome to join my fireteam any day
Ok the fact you was alone and was winning was impressive props to you bro
funny stuff how bad people are.. the blinking and shotgun usage is so easily countered.
1.shotgun camping because you couldnt win a 1v1 with your primary. 2. Failed miserably with arc blade, how did you miss that many times? 3.shotgun camping some more. 1/10 was not impressed.
I will watch this after school.
Well done, for sure. Also, I'm a PvE guy and not much of a PvP player, so I learned a couple things from watching that video. :)
Strength of the wolf... solo. Well done, sir. Also, be aware that this will now be the face of every "NERF BLINK SHOTGUN" thread. lol
they got destroyed.
Why the f*ck is your blink strike recharging so fast?
Nice man that was some good moves back there
Props man, when that happened to me they weren't as dumb and destroyed me with the heavy ammo.