After playing nearly two months on Destiny, I can safely say, I don't like this game. This game isn't fun anymore. There isn't enough content to keep me interested. I keep doing the same stuff over and over again. Competitive Multiplayer is just CoD in space - which I hate. The disconnections I keep having over and over again - even though I'm on a DMZ'd network.
Would I keep paying for expansions packs to keep me interested? No. The content doesn't compel me to keep buying it. There's not enough of it. Compare that with expansions of WoW, Final Fantasy Online, Diablo 3, it's a fraction of what it should be.
I just wished Activision had given you guys more time to make Destiny better. It's obvious that their cash flow and influence has changed what Destiny should and could have been, so maybe going to Take-Two to join the family of Rockstar would have been a better move - since you would have been given as much time to complete this game.
I've been playing Bungie games since Marathon on an Apple Mac. The importance of story has been the ethos of that series, and it showed on Halo. I'm so bitterly dissappointed by Destiny. I'm asking Sony to give me a refund on the expansion pack I that bought on the PSN store, which I can ask for since the trade laws in the UK allow me to ask for a refund if the item hasn't been downloaded for consumption. Then I'm going to sell Destiny for the Master Chief Collection.
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