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Edited by OnyxTheWiseWolf: 11/6/2014 3:21:24 AM


Nerf Shotguns


Leave them as is


Hey everyone, vVvDARK WOLFvVv here. It has come to my attention that i was not in my right mind when posting this, so i do formally apologize about the mindless rant previously posted.

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  • I wish to request from Bungie that this forum post be removed from the site. it was an incomplete one-sided rant that i do not prefer to provide on the site.

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  • For the love of god NO! My Universal Remote is weak enough!!! The Universal Remote needs a buff BC of the last edit to all shotguns reducing range... and that's what's supposed to be special about it. Kind of like a slug round instead of buckshot round. Its pretty bad that a legendary shotgun "the comedian" beats the exotic in stats and usefulness. Worst part is the Universal Remote fits in the primary weapon slot.

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  • I don't know how you can possibly think this. The range of the shotguns is pathetic. They are terrible weapons, and the nerf just made them completely useless. The only way they are good is if you camp or if an enemy runs right into you. Perhaps what you see is their extensive use. But just because a particular weapon is effective does not mean it's OP. If all the maps had no cover, snipers would be overused, but not OP. The reason you perceive shotguns as being so OP is because of the monotopographical maps. They all have tons of cover and force almost all play into very tight spaces where it's easy to camp.

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    • People like you ruin this game. Shut up and play.

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      • I am I guess what most people on here would call a shotgunner, my general load out for pvp is something along the lines of pulse rifle or similar shotgun and rockets. Now the reason I use a shotgun is for 2 main reasons, first I am not a long range player because I can't really aim for shit, the second reason is that I live in lag so the enemies normally have about a half second advantage on me. My response to this is to use a shotgun, so for instance let's say that I'm capping a control objective and I see my motion tracker light up, I'm not going to just sit around in the objective and wait to get killed with a dumb look on my face, I'm going to move so that I have the best possible chance of killing the enemy quick without taking damage so I find the corner closest to where they're coming from murder them then return to capping the objective. You may call me a corner camper but if there is any cover whatsoever on a map there will be corners and the best way to use a shotgun is to pull the trigger while the barrel is down the enemies throat. My major problem is with fusion rifles personally as I have been killed in one shot from across the map but those occasions are few and far between so it doesn't worry me too much.

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        • Tl;dr "Someone pushed the end of the shotgun into my mouth and fired. This killed me. This should not happen. Bungie please nerf."

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          • I'm going to tell you what I told someone else on the forums. Go get a shotgun and a side of beef. Stand 5 to 10 feet away and shoot said side of beef. Tell me what happens. The range in game is less than 10 feet for a sure kill. So let's go to current optimum with a shotgun. Put the barrel 2 feet away from a side of beef and pull the trigger. Tell me why exactly you should live through that. Next up all players you encounter have a shotgun. This means you play pvp and nothibg but so you are speaking for the minority of players on destiny. You know how many people use a shotgun in pve. As far as I have met there are none. Why don't you go pve a good while with these weapons and classes you people want nerfed before crying like little baby back bitches

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            • If you want shotguns to have an effective range of six feet, just sign for them to be removed and give us swords instead.

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            • Shotguns do high damage at close range. They are just fine as is. People playing with shotguns in PvP aren't exploiting anything. Shoot them at range and they can't touch you. No more nerfs!

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            • I don't understand they have almost no range already. They need a buff if anything.

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              • Let me shoot you with a shotgun from 7 meters, 20 meters even and see if you're still standing.

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              • Edited by diegofreak: 11/3/2014 1:43:20 AM
                Titan striker lvl 28 here...dude im a tank charging at you full speed with a shotgun in my hand...guess what!? The closer I get, more lethal my shotgun will be + shoulder just saying, I get killed a lot in crucible by shotguns, fusion rifles, auto rifles etc, but if you miss a few shots and I get the chance to get closer to you (which happens a lot), spraying bullets everywhere wont be effective as a point blank blast from a shotgun. It all depends on you play styles and strategie, going in a close quarters with a auto rifle against a shotgun, your odds will change. Going to a wide an open map with a good range auto rifle, sniper rifle or'll put guardians down before they see you! Shotguns works just fine, like it's supposed to. It's like saying sniper rifles is Op because you get one bullet in the brains X/

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                • Don't stand in front of it

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                  • I don't really like the shotgun (in any game (in multiplayer, I mean)), and I [b][i] DO NOT[/i][/b] want them nerfed at all. I wouldn't want someone to mess with my Hand Cannon, Auto Rifle, or Fusion Rifle. Why should I mess with theirs?

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                  • You are wrong, Its the you at fault not the shotguns..the maps force you into close quarters most of the time. The last nerf on shotguns greatly reduced the overall range..if your going to have a tantrum over someone killing you with a shotgun then blame yourself for getting "within" their range. A shotgun is a primary asset at close quarters, shotguns specialize in close quarters, snipers in long range.

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                    2 Replies
                    • Isn't a Warlock's melee six feet? You should be able to poke them with your gun at six the destiny universe, 10 yards is still very close for a gun.

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                    • Shot guns are ok now, they 1 Hit kill up close but I notice their range is very low.

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                    • Just the range a little more .... universal remote should have the best rang of them all and it doesnt

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                    • The thing with shotguns is you have to get close enough to use them which is usually in range of some ones special attacks just be faster than the guy with the shotty running you its adapting people need to do not nerfing

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                      2 Replies
                      • > killed by shotgun > equip shotgun to get sweet revenge > killed by shotty again > shotty is op Maybe you just suck, nerd?

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