originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
People of Destiny I am recruiting for a new Xbox 360 clan and need members! Once we have more members we will do raids, strikes, special events, story and crucible together we are welcoming all levels and no harassing others or discriminating we will not tell each other that they suck and they should stop playing. Instead we should be a community and help each other out. We are called the ANNIHILATORS Of DARKNESS. You can find us at
People of Destiny I am recruiting for a new Xbox 360 clan and need members! Once we have more members we will do raids, strikes, special events, story and crucible together we are welcoming all levels and no harassing others or discriminating we will not tell each other that they suck and they should stop playing. Instead we should be a community and help each other out. We are called the ANNIHILATORS Of DARKNESS. You can find us at http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/565695 On your computer or laptop search our clan in bungie.net and go to our page and then where it says the clan name on the page under it it should say set as Xbox clan and then just click on that and you'll be part of the ANNIHILATORS Of DARKNESS clan.