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11/3/2014 4:51:44 AM
I can't agree to that. This why. Why let people cheese? The better question is why cheese? If you're just going to cheese something for loot so you can cheese the next thing, why even play? Why not find a game that makes you want to try, even just a little bit, and play that game? I just don't understand. Had the platforms been inaccessable from the beginning, due to kill volumes or distance, this wouldn't have been an issue. Or, maybe it would have. Yes, either way people would have tried to find another way to exploit the fight. I would imagine that when you make a game or an encounter you wouldn't't want people just cheesing it. You'd want them to take the fight, learn it, beat it, and master it if they want to. That's the point of video games, unless specified otherwise (like goat simulator lol). Even if one person is on the platforms they would be a t a graver disatvatage. Say an oracle is missed. That person is pretty much dead unless the relic holder is on that side and they can get to them quickly enough, and the relic holder can still cleanse at that point. Then they need to be ressed which puts the team at a disadvantage. Sure, they have an excellent view and a moderate range of visability, but it's not enough to really justify being there. Either way, it takes away the whole point of playing a game. Facing challenges to get better loot to face harder challenges to better loot and progress your character(s).

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