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originally posted in: The Dark Below
11/3/2014 1:10:37 PM
[quote]They are fairly priced. The difference we get one strike a year before you do. I think if you count up all the months total playstation waited for call of duty maps we will be even because we only get exclusives for one year! Xbox gets call of duty exclusives for life. So it evens out. You'll get the content. Didn't your parents ever teach you to be patient and be thankful for what you have. And if you owned a business then you know they are just trying to keep the company alive and profitable you know to like keep peoples jobs and shit. And if you owned a business you also know about contracts and how you can't just change them so bitching to bungie about it won't get you anywhere or anything just make you all look like adults that act like four year olds.[/quote] I disagree that it is fairly priced assuming one thing that hasn't been made clear by Activision: is the content apart of the DLC or is it a standalone DLC? If the latter, and they miscommunicated it, then I don't think it's price discrimination. [spoiler]In a separate thread, one individual pointed out the lack of clarity on how the content will be bundled with the DLC.[/spoiler] Your comment about patience seems to miss my point completely. It's not about patience but what is perceived as the same product, priced the same, but delivered differently. It's the principle of the matter. That is what I am fighting. In respect to business, yes, I understand what it takes to keep a company alive. I understand what it means to compete. To innovate. To stress about ensuring people have jobs. That still doesn't mean that unfair pricing practices are the only way to profitability. In respect to contracts, yes I understand that there is little we can do to change the course now, but there's a lot we can do to change the future. We can vote with our dollar and we can make our voices heard. Lastly, why the bitterness? You seem to be taking this personally with the condescending remarks when all I am trying to do is have a civil debate. I respect your thoughts on the matter... I just ask for the same in return.

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  • I respect your thoughts but when it comes to Xbox players it seems no harm can be done to you. You had halo which was a big franchise and I know we had God of war but let's be honest they can't compare. God of war I could beat in a day on hardest difficulty. Halo had it all to keep people playing and playstation players said okay and delt with it. Now though Xbox just misses out on some dlc and you guys won't just deal with it. Let's be honest you say your dollar is a vote but even if all the Xbox people quit because of it bungie would still be going and alive without the fraction of you to their community so why can't Xbox players deal with it like playstation did. And look it got better for us without having to complain and cry about it all it took was waiting and patience.

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  • [quote]I respect your thoughts but when it comes to Xbox players it seems no harm can be done to you. You had halo which was a big franchise and I know we had God of war but let's be honest they can't compare. God of war I could beat in a day on hardest difficulty. Halo had it all to keep people playing and playstation players said okay and delt with it. Now though Xbox just misses out on some dlc and you guys won't just deal with it. Let's be honest you say your dollar is a vote but even if all the Xbox people quit because of it bungie would still be going and alive without the fraction of you to their community so why can't Xbox players deal with it like playstation did. And look it got better for us without having to complain and cry about it all it took was waiting and patience.[/quote] Again, I want to iterate how this is not about console exclusivity. I think it's completely fair if one console has exclusive rights to a game. That said, I can sympathize with the story you brought up re: Halo vs GoW. My whole point from the get go is with content exclusivity that is being charged the [i]same price[/i] across both consoles, i.e., price discrimination. Secondly, why do we have to keep bringing up the past as if that is the way things should be? We have the power to influence the future. But if we let console dogma get in the way, then we will never progress. This is not about patience or quid pro quo or hypocrisy. This is about getting a gaming community to bond together and to fight against things we believe are unjust. The thing that I want to try to prevent in the future is to give Activision and others more freedom to take advantage of us, which is why I feel like the Undying Mind release is so insidious. The thought is "who cares? It's one strike"... And then the next exclusive is a little more... And then the next. Don't you see? We're inviting Activision to roll over us if we don't speak up, regardless of console. Neither community should get screwed. Period.

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  • Well first I would like to say the gaming community will never come to agree and get along. Gaming is built off pure competition. We play games to compete and be better than others and win. Look at all the stop selling games they are usually the most competitive. There are few games that people play for story such as elder scrolls but you play them alone. Games have always been competition and always will be. There will always be console divides which brings more competition. We are wired to compete. And you can't help that Sony got exclusive rights for a year. If you really wanna look at it then you can say we are paying for same stuff but Sony gives us a free map for their exclusive rights. They paid for the rights for their players so if you wanna be mad at anyone be mad at Microsoft for not offering the same to get you the rights to the free map. Bungie did nothing wrong and that's my point. You're mad at bungie when you should be mad at Microsoft for not being a good representative to get Xbox exclusive content as well. Sony represented their players better than Xbox. That's also why PS3 does not pay for online like Xbox. Sony takes better care of their gamers so complain to Microsoft.

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