Well first I would like to say the gaming community will never come to agree and get along. Gaming is built off pure competition. We play games to compete and be better than others and win. Look at all the stop selling games they are usually the most competitive. There are few games that people play for story such as elder scrolls but you play them alone. Games have always been competition and always will be. There will always be console divides which brings more competition. We are wired to compete. And you can't help that Sony got exclusive rights for a year. If you really wanna look at it then you can say we are paying for same stuff but Sony gives us a free map for their exclusive rights. They paid for the rights for their players so if you wanna be mad at anyone be mad at Microsoft for not offering the same to get you the rights to the free map. Bungie did nothing wrong and that's my point. You're mad at bungie when you should be mad at Microsoft for not being a good representative to get Xbox exclusive content as well. Sony represented their players better than Xbox. That's also why PS3 does not pay for online like Xbox. Sony takes better care of their gamers so complain to Microsoft.
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