Hi everyone, I've just started a new clan. It's called: Shoot Melee Repeat. In order to join you must be at least 18 years of age and level 28+ on the PS4. We will be raiding (hard) on a daily basis and doing the daily's weekly's and all of the farming that is needed. Cheers!
Level 29 hunter with raid exp. Still looking for people? Add me if so please :)
You need to join yourself buddy, i dont think i can invite people. Go to bungie.net and search for the clan. Then press request to join and set it as ps clan. Cheers!
I'm 8 and I'm machur. Can I join?
Lvl 29 Hunter. Experienced. How would I go about joining?
Go to bungie.net and search for the clan. Press request join and then "set as playstation clan" . Cheers!
Done! Hope to play with you guys tomorrow.