I'd there anything you hate happening in pvp, that makes you whimper, moan, rage, or cry?
Example: Killed by a fist of havoc around the corner because the titan you passed jumped the gun.
2nd example: Playing somebody who's lagging heavily, you unload clips into them, you die, then you see them drop dead 2 seconds later.
Shotguns and Fusion Rifles.
[spoiler]These aren't my personal complaints just some I see a lot.[/spoiler]
Share me your misery!
The lag is real. It's not even connection based it's game based lag. Mostly with the melee.
Anyone that kills me, mostly. ..I hate everyone.
Shotguns. Require no skill at all.
Its simple. The RNG system. You try hard and get nothing, You do nothing and get rewarded. Its ridiculous.
Crucible is just plain boring and there is almost no motivation to play it.
Edited by FlyingBasset: 11/4/2014 5:10:49 PMMenu takes FOREVER to load Fusion rifles still OP People with bad connections not getting kicked Also I get stuck in respawn pretty often that's all really.
Shotguns for me - even after Bungie nerfed them, their range is too crazy. All you see is people running about with a shotty wreaking the world. *sigh* I did get the Universal Remote from my last Raid, so I guess I have no choice but to become a shotgun whore myself...
Revived over-shield in skirmish- like the idea of reviving team mates, but the shield gives too much of an advantage to the loosing player, an extra player in the area should be reward enough.
Just the lag is horrendous for no reason. makes it unplayable on a competitive level
Everything about it, I just can't stand it.
It's nothing but CQC. Where's the big open maps and sci-fi tanks and vehicles? Seriously Destiny players and Playstation players who never played Halo are getting shafted on the fun of a Warthog or Revenant. Destiny needs those equivalents.
Getting killed by a panic fist of havoc from a newb you had almost killed has to be at the top of my list
Not having unlimited rocket ammo. All I want to do is kill people, it's the TRUTH (get it??????)
I was gonna say when one team is much better than the other, but then I remembered that's not surprising since it's kinda common.
grenades that one-shot blade dancers titan bubble shotgunners
Shotgun sniper rifles or sniper shotguns. Bungie messed up some values here.... Also the lagging thing.
Lack of game type diversity. I want odd ball but with talking ghosts. every time i kill someone with it, dinkle-bot should say "don't do that"
When I rocket myself because a box jumped out of nowhere on me.
Lack of actual shotgun nerf, Supers that kill through cover, spawn camping snipers, sticky grenades bouncing off enemies, aim assist tracking fails, collision detection fails resulting in unexplained physics-related deaths, more collisions fails when attempting to splatter someone with a vehicle, lack of skill based matchmaking, people who think Icebreaker is a PVP weapon, how weak Thorn is, how Flame Shield doesn't always proc on a melee hit, how Viking Funeral doesn't actually increase damage- only duration, how Sunsinger Super kills do not contribute to PVP Super kill bounty, how useless Hunter stealth actually is, how terrible the loot system is for post match rewards. That's all I can think of for now, but I'm sure there is more.
Edited by JobuuRumdrinker: 11/4/2014 2:43:31 PMI hate that I can do a bunch of patrol missions, PVE bounties, and public events which net me way more rep and points than doing crucible Why does PVP give such crappy rewards for time invested?
Everything. I hate everything in the crucible.
nothing, but I dislike maps with vehicles, the radar, and supers
Running out of throwing knives. :( 🔪
OP netcode.
People who play in the Crucible