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Edited by JayJ9Nine: 1/25/2015 4:37:12 AM

What do you hate in Crucible?

I'd there anything you hate happening in pvp, that makes you whimper, moan, rage, or cry? Example: Killed by a fist of havoc around the corner because the titan you passed jumped the gun. 2nd example: Playing somebody who's lagging heavily, you unload clips into them, you die, then you see them drop dead 2 seconds later. Shotguns and Fusion Rifles. Etc. [spoiler]These aren't my personal complaints just some I see a lot.[/spoiler] Share me your misery!

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  • People who play in the Crucible

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  • For me it's the lag, has been since day one, I honestly couldn't tell you how many times I've killed someone only to have them kill me somehow then drop dead 1-2 seconds later with NO other people around. Another thing would be the people that only use one weapon the entire time, I've seen so many people that just run around using only the shotgun and nothing else the entire match, it's not that it gets me mad, because I can kill them before I'm in range, I guess it just seems lazy to not switch to a primary with some actual range depending on the situation. i don't care for the crucible really, but if I need extra xp from bounties i may venture in there to do a few quick bounties.

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  • Because it's filled with bees chasing me to orbit.

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  • Hmmm...I think what irks me the most about the Crucible is the sort of half-assed feel to the whole thing. It's like they couldn't be bothered or didn't have the time to implement a properly segregated game mode. *The radar is just stupid, it should be blanked out, even if they just use a static-effect overlay, hell there could even be a pickup hidden in levels that will unlock it for 30seconds or something if they won't get rid of it completely. *The maps really kind of blow, none of them allow for anything other than mid to close range combat. *Random Item Rewards not being influenced by player performance - there should be a performance multiplier applied to the RNG results table. *The availability of "special" ammunition making it decidedly common ammunition. *The fact that teams are not automatically entered into a voice channel like if you were in a PvE fire team (this one goes for all matchmaking) *The speed that Super charges - it's too fast, I don't think it should be usable more than 1/2 times over a single 6/12 player game. *The "pre charging" of fusion rifles, when you let of the trigger it should reset the charge - Not a Crucible specific issue, but has the most impact here. *The fact that teamwork seems to be as alien a concept as the Vex coming along to fix the Traveler for humanity's benefit. *Lack of proper gaming tiers - better players should be allowed to play with/against better players to get better rewards unlockable by spending crucible marks at Rep lvl1 and above. *The fact that crucible rep takes so very long to build up, but that tokens are so quick : you are as well buying a faction class accessory as soon as you get 2500g and wearing it for the rest of the game. *Shotgun kill squads on 3v3 maps *Picking up a "complete 5 salvage missions" bounty and finding that there isn't actually a Salvage play option at the time. Yeah...that will probably do for now.

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    5 Replies
    • Some of the bounties for it, goddamn. Earn 5 Enforcer medals? Well, if I'm playing half decently, then the enemy won't get the chance to get a spree, hence no Enforcer medal. Same with Postmortem. I really love having to randomly throw a grenade as I die and hope that it gets a kill.

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    • Edited by Auriventris: 11/4/2014 12:52:20 PM
      I'm fine with it.. it's the bad and new players on my team I dislike.. No offence guys I still love you all :3 *Cuddles* <3 just get good lol ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Also T-bagging bugs me, You can probably guess why it happens to me often -.- I don't know, It just shows how mean some people are just to shove it in your face that they killed you... Like.. come on, When a match ends I wave (which is a bow for my hunter) to my fellow guardians, And normally they wave back :3 but often you get people who blow your head off and T-bag you and it just.. bugs me -.-

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      13 Replies
      • My lack of skill!

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      • My team.

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      • playing with randoms against a well organized team...

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        3 Replies
        • Gjhallihorn. I know it's an exotic and it's good. But every time I get killed by one, I just go DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN

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        • Nothing, They hate me because i'm a level 30 who shotgun camps

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          1 Reply
          • The horrible map circulation and the disgustingly low amount of game types.

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          • I hate the fact that it was created .

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          • Shoulder charge, fusion rifles, warlock grenades, panic supers, shotguns, just tired of the Suros, me getting killed immediately after I pop GG, shooting a guy three times with GG and then he dies (lag I assume), Interceptors, etc. etc. I am kind of a temperamental player....

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          • Shoulder charge

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            3 Replies
            • 1. Fusion Rifle pussies. 2. Loot system. It's actually ok that its randomized. But it should have been at least a guaranteed blue engram for the best two on each team. And only the top three players should have a chance to get exotic. 3. Aim assist. Its really annoying when you have someone down to 1/4 health and someone else is flying past and you automatically aiming at him instead. 4. Medals?! What the hell are they for? Bragging? It should have been something you could use them on. For example an own vendor in the tower you could trade them for weapons, gear and armor. For example 10 Triple Down medals for 1 Strange Coin. 10 Merciless medals for 1 Strange Coin. 10 Double Down medals for 1 Mote of Light. There are endless of options. 5. Bounties. I want more diversity in the bounties. It is the same damn bounties over and over agian. And the bounty where you have to earn 5 enforcer medals is ridiculous.

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              1 Reply
              • When you become invincible after respawning Someone in 3v3.. -blam!-ing dumb mechanic And since the Suros regime was possible to buy from xur crucible is littered with them, unbelievably op gun

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              • The strong delay/lag. And sometimes the spawn system in non-control matches. Otherwise it's fun to play.

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              • Teabagging! I firmly believe that teabagging is the worst kind of disrespect there ever was on this world, and I will forever hate you until I make you my bitch if you find yourself teabagging me. I seriously hate teabagging. I don't understand the use for it except to make people rage out of the games.

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                16 Replies
                • I'd say I dislike Fusion Rifles because they're just one shot kills most of the time but, I do have respect for people that use them in PVP. To charge and hit a moving target in PVP is a skill. I mentioned Nova Bombs on another thread as well, they seem to be attracted to me.

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                • There's no BRs

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                • All the 1sks

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                • I hate when I am making an escape after I am low on health from a gunfight, only to get stuck on some stupid little map detail and die because of it.

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                • The range of one hit kills on fusion rifles. Having teammates leave and the game not bringing in replacements fast enough or at all (not always lucky enough to encounter enemies 1 or 2 at a time) Teammates who don't stick together in skirmish and don't understand the strategy of when to revive others or respawn/be revived.

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                • Being killed by fusion rifles from a farther distance A Titan going past me but still manages to kill me with his fist of havoc Hit delay

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                • The biggest thing I hate about the crucible and its not even a crucible thing is that warlock super animation that ish takes forever to go off and then because it shoots your body in a direction sometimes it gets caught on a door and I end up killing myself lol

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