I'd there anything you hate happening in pvp, that makes you whimper, moan, rage, or cry?
Example: Killed by a fist of havoc around the corner because the titan you passed jumped the gun.
2nd example: Playing somebody who's lagging heavily, you unload clips into them, you die, then you see them drop dead 2 seconds later.
Shotguns and Fusion Rifles.
[spoiler]These aren't my personal complaints just some I see a lot.[/spoiler]
Share me your misery!
I hate the server errors that kick me almost every game :-( I want half my money back for this game because I can only play PvE.
Fusion riflessssas
http://m.imgur.com/Wywg0u1 this is what i hate
Now that I have all three classes I feel a lot more like they are balanced. I had to play them and learn the best strategy for each. My biggest complaint is now the "nerfists" . I'm tired of someone loosing a match to subclass and Mcballing about how op it is. That's about it.
Control teammates who don't try to capture anything, or purposely sabotage the team and individual players.
I hate dyeing and then the opponent dies seconds later. So mad! Fix it!
Been getting killed by fusion rifles a lot recently. I've never used fusion rifles so I might be wrong but seems like such a powerful weapon shouldn't be able to charge so fast
Blink+Shotgun= eternal rage
The fact a Auto rifle can still out range me when I'm using arguably the best Scout rifle in the game I'm on First Light with my Cryptic Dragon, only to get absolutly destroyed AT RANGE by a Suros REGIME. And before you jump the gun, I have Suros REGIME. It's far to easy to use, and it gets boring when EVERYONE* uses it. *Everyone = Number rounded to nearest infinity
Dem shitty bitches! But I also like dem hotty bitches!
Well, here are 10 of mine: 1. Getting disconnected all the time (either when I'm playing really well or right at the end of a match I'm about to win) 2. Taking a titan's health all the way down and then out of nowhere panic smash and I die leaving a pubic hair of health left 3. Bladedancer & golden gun - the only supers that guarantee multiple kills anytime you activate them 4. Matchmaking throwing you into a game in progress where your team is being dominated 5. Shitty teammates who cap A on blind watch when we have C 6. Getting teamed up with a pathetic fireteam of multiple players who leave the game immediately after seeing they spawned A on blind watch 7. Garbage teammates who grab the heavy ammo as I'm running to it. Then you don't hear any heavy ammo going off b/c they died. 8. The worst players who go .15 k/d and lost us the game getting the loot 9. Fusion rifles one-shotting me from auto rifle distance 10. Players who quit - they deserve some sort of punishment for leaving - like 10 min PvP ban for first offense, 20 min PvP ban for second offense, 1 hour PvP ban for 3rd offense, etc
The whole thing. PVE or nothin for me. I enjoy competitive multiplayer FPS games, but the Crucible feels like it was rushed together and lacks polish to me. Like the developers couldn't decide PVP or PVE so they half-assed both.
How bad I am. Oh and over use of suros and fusion rifles
Bladedancers, all of them.
A warlock with a shotty who two pieces while blinking everywhere...then to add insult to injury...he self rezs If you do kill him... It gets upsetting after a while haha
Getting killed and then respawning with an enemy right behind me. Half the time they're already shooting >:/
I hate there is always a kunt rubberbanding back and forth killing everyone and immune to all attack. If you got shit internet, just GTFO before bungie up their broken lag compensation.
Well honestly I don't "Hate" anything per say...I'm slightly annoyed how Hunter has hands down the best tools to easily be effective in Pvp. Doesn't bother me that much though, with what Bungie has done thus far with weapon balance I'm confident that classes like the Defender will get their time in the sun. I'm just interested to see if such a balance can really be achieved where all 3 classes see relatively equal performance in the Crucible.
Edited by Dyalar: 11/4/2014 4:25:27 AMCrucible. All of it.
The SUROS regime. It's damage output is just under that of a machine gun when it's half empty.
The Crucible.
The loot system, special weapons, and bladedancers.
People that use the shotgun exclusively. Not that I feel the shotgun needs a change. It's just rather annoying to get into a match where the majority of people are running around with shotguns. It then makes me feel forced to use my shotgun to compete. Which I would rather engage in gun battles than easy-mode shot gunning.
The game rewards people who do the worst with exotics.
being restricted to void damage to do my thorn bounty >.>