I'd there anything you hate happening in pvp, that makes you whimper, moan, rage, or cry?
Example: Killed by a fist of havoc around the corner because the titan you passed jumped the gun.
2nd example: Playing somebody who's lagging heavily, you unload clips into them, you die, then you see them drop dead 2 seconds later.
Shotguns and Fusion Rifles.
[spoiler]These aren't my personal complaints just some I see a lot.[/spoiler]
Share me your misery!
being restricted to void damage to do my thorn bounty >.>
For me it's not any weapon or super or any of that. It how the game actually works, or doesn't work. All the glitches, bugs, lag, and stuff of that sort. People disappearing and reappearing on the other side of the map, people taking no damage from direct hits from a rocket launcher. A lot of the problems come from lag.
The loot system. People who do horrible and get good things while people who do great get nothing.
Don't love the maps.
Example #2 sucks. Outside of that, I love the crucible.
how bad i am at it
Hunters supers and Suros that is all
I hate losing. I hate when people play Control like a Team Deathmatch and hate AFKERS and quitters. That about sums up my gripes.
I don't hate, whimper, cry or moan. But I definitely dislike when I see a lvl 9 guy get on my team. No offense to him, but at his level, he has nothing really to bring to the table. Or when people just don't try to capture zones in control and just running around trying to kill. But other than that, I don't take the crucible that seriously.
Edited by Vincent K: 11/3/2014 11:58:33 PMBladedancers who move solely by mashing their melee button. Hunters in general because their supes are the easiest to get kills with in general to the point its a joke. People who don't even use a primary weapon. People who AFK. Spawning in to a game in progress directly in front of an enemy.
People who Teabag. Especially people who are camping with like 3 teammates and gang kill you thinking they are so skilled.
Getting killed by architects or misadventures and someone on the other team getting credit for the kill
I hate killing someone, getting killed by them, then getting a postmortem for the kill 5 seconds later
sliding + shotgunning a lagger i made him eat 4 automatic shotgun shells and it was as if he bled out 4 seconds later and died.
The loot system. Multiple games I've seen the whole team just get nothing. Or I'll have a k/d of 4.6 and get nothing. I don't care if it's crap, I just want SOMETHING for my effort :c
I just hate the lack of diversity in crucible. Even the supposedly objective type game modes are extremely centered around killing people. There is little reward for capturing or defending flags, I regularly am on teams that play objective but lose because the other team just held 1 flag and focused on kills. Control = team deathmatch, clash = team death match, skirmish = small team death match. The only truely objective based mode they have is salvage but thats not even a permanent play list.
People who use the suros and have the nerve to tbag you when they kill you. Also people who only use shotguns or fusion rifles for the entire match and never touch their primary weapon.
I hate when magazines are called clips, ;|. But seriously, when a player uses their Super against 1 person.. So lame.
I thought I'd get used to it but I still don't like lord shaxx's voice. Especially with his absolutely stupid one liners "Looks like you've misjudged your enemy" No I didn't, I literally blew myself up by accident with my rocket launcher. Or "pick it up, guardian" That one does not inspire me to try harder, it just infuriates me.
1. People killing me .. which they do alot .. 2. Loosing a match .. I have no opinion on weapons wxcept thinking thr charge gun thing does need to be nerfed
Fusion rifles. Bitch guns
People who blink like lunatics and this [quote]2nd example: Playing somebody who's lagging heavily, you unload clips into them, you die, then you see them drop dead 2 seconds later.[/quote]
When titans RKO me outta nowhere.
Edited by Spider Mew: 11/4/2014 3:41:02 AMRNG - go positive, get nothing, logic, can easily abuse the rng in pvp by sitting around doing nothing and go negative lag - self explanatory shitty servers - Im so -blam!-ing done with these horrible servers. About to win in Rumble, get disconnected, -blam!-ing done. Lack of game types and maps All this just makes me want to play Reach or Halo 4, games that dont -blam!- me over
I despise shotgunners, not the weapon itself but the people who use it.