Some recent annoyances:
1. Skirmish Hunter who lost a game for me and our other teammate because all he did was run in over and over and die while we stuck together
2. Teammates without situational awareness, who push you around or walk in front of you because they're not watching where they're going
3. Teammates who take the heavy ammo when they're safe and others are running for it too
4. Teammates who snipe in Control and don't help you capture points
5. Quitters
After the Vex Holocaust nerf I don't get mad at opposing players very often, because all weapons and tactics are legit. Sometimes I get annoyed at Hawkmoon - it needs a nerf. But usually I just get pissed at teammates acting like idiots and not helping the team.
Omg to the point of teammates pushing you. A few weeks ago I was playing a game on blind watch and we were fighting for the heavy ammo in the long hallway to the right. I'm really low I hide behind a pillar, a -blam!-ing derpasaurus on my team comes and shoves me out from behind it and I died. I still rage at that.