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11/3/2014 8:52:10 PM
1. Confirmed that blink jumping is really only used to keep opponents from tracking you. 2. Confirmed that shotgun range is still too far and needs reducing. (OP killed by shotty from >10ft away at 1:12 [watch from 1:00 on])* 3. Confirmed animation canceling on sight recoil when using shotgun during a jump or shotgun followed by melee. (2 kills at 1:40 - 1:50)* 4. Confirmed that Hunter melee lunge is also has way too much reach. (watch at 1:45 and 1:58)* 5. Confirmed that guns such as that used by OP by default have an Unflinching perk built into the rifle.* 6. Confirmed that OP is a bro for sticking through a game, regardless of how many of his teammates flee. Way to stick in there and duke it out and not leave. Much respect for that. For clarification: I don't think any of the tactics used are 'cheap' or 'scrub' as some below suggest. They're the tactics that are coded in and hence should be used accordingly. That said, I think a lot of these tactics are unreasonable, unbalanced, aren't fun (frustrating, aggravating), and possibly contribute to the bad net code(?) (things like blink and other 'instantaneous moves' can't physically be processed by both ends and must rely on some sort of prediction). *2. In my opinion, single shot kills should not be allowed in the Crucible except under the following circumstance: + Head shots from sniper rifles at ranges > 100ft + Shoulder charge from Titans + Fully charged fusion rifle shots (Read my ideas about how fusion rifles should work [url=]here[/url].) *3. Try it next time you're playing. Jump, look down, and pop a shotgun blast. There's no recoil like their is when you're running. Also works during the sliding animation if you sprint, crouch, shoot or sprint, crouch, shoot, melee. *4. I knew it was bad but OP knifed a guy from like 5ft away with the lunge. That's silly. Warlock and Hunter melees act at distance where the Titan's does not. The exception is the Titan shoulder charge, but this requires a sprint before it (and there are a lot of problems getting L3 to parse with the server when pressed because of the lag in the Crucible.) This needs balance. *5. Stability perk is for keeping the targeting reticle close to center when shooting. Unflinching keeps the target reticle centered when under fire. Some rifles have a horrible flinch to them, while some rifles (such as OP's) don't seem to have any flinching at all, even without the unflinching perk. This needs a hard look.

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  • Strokin' that titan D, lol.

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  • So shotguns should be the only secondary that takes two shots to kill? Also why are snipers supposed to not be OHK on ranges under 100ft? Just because their bullets are designed to travel far doesn't mean they're basically confetti before reaching a certain distance. Plus why is the shoulder barge the exception? It's literally the easiest thing to use out of the four things you listed, one free kill or your money back. Not to mention once or twice in that video the hunter stab was his melee ability rather than a standard jab, which brings up another point, why shouldn't the hunter's backstab be a OHK? It's definitely harder to pull off than a shoulder barge and requires your melee to still be up. In fact pretty much everything you said is "make titan the best class pls".

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  • Better start giving people their money back. A fully armored titan can survive a shoulder charge with a sliver of health.

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  • Obvious Titan, you are.

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  • Stand I front of a shot gun at ten feet. Tell me what happens, please im very curious.

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  • The difference being that I'd not be all decked out in composite armor like guardians are supposed to have. There's a huge difference. Further, since guardians can seem to take 30 auto-rifle rounds to the face and be alive (assuming something in the 7.62x39 to .223 range) then please explain to me how some #6 buckshot one-shot kills you at 10'.

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  • I never said it one shot them. Also in the video he rarely one shot the guy. He shot then used his melee

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  • HA!

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  • 1. of course blink jumping is used to break target tracking... it's terrible as a travel ability... so... it's a defensive thing, that takes skill to learn to use. Still can't use it well myself, and I have both a warlock and a hunter. 2. Shotgun range is so short now it's almost completely useless pve. It has to have the perk that extends range when aiming to be of ANY use.. and as you can see, he does aim it. If you needed a video to "confirm" how it's used... maybe you should try one. 3.yup, most animations get cancelled by a jump. or a slide. Thats basic game mechanics.... since jumps and slides affect where the hitboxes move to and therefore where the enemies need to shoot) those visuals need representation priority 4.Hunter melee has range, when charged, on either subclass. and when not charged... doesn't. Warlock melee has longest range of all. Also does least damage. Conversely, Titan does the most, with the shortest range. They also have the most armour... it balances out. 5.some rifles, like the OP's, don't have much recoil... they also have little impact. See how little damage each shot did on it's own? it's the stream of them that does damage... the faster the rate of fire and lower the impact (see rifles like Dr.Nope as an example on the extreme of the spectrum) will always have almost no recoil, compared to ones that do much more per shot. in essence, each of the pluses he had also has a drawback. and yes... both sets of hardware show the same stuff at the same time... or did you think simply having a hitbox intersect a bullet in the game didn't also qualify as "instantaneous"? everything happens at the same time on each system... hence you being able to feel actual lag when it happens, because people vanish, or don't take damage when they ARE hit... THATS when things aren't happening at the same time. as towhat you believe should be a one-hit kill... yeah, seriously showing your bias there, when you only list a titan skill as a class that should have one... kinda makes all the rest of your arguments seem a bit spurious. Be thankful ...warlocks don't have a non-super one-shot ability at all. And thats as it should be... each class has strengths and weaknesses... combine those with the playstyle that fits you best, and you may find that even using the tactics that exist and seem to kill you a lot you still can't beat them... thats player skill coming into play. level up the other two characters you have... and see if it's as op as you thnk it is... cause having tried all 3, I can tell ya... each one dies and kills as well as the others... and different weapon setups have the same potential, depending on your style of play (from the "hold a hose of lead spray" style of the AR to the one shot-BLAM!- of the handcannons...) its all about your preferred methodology.

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  • [quote]1. Confirmed that blink jumping is really only used to keep opponents from tracking you. 2. Confirmed that shotgun range is still too far and needs reducing. (OP killed by shotty from >10ft away at 1:12 [watch from 1:00 on])* 3. Confirmed animation canceling on sight recoil when using shotgun during a jump or shotgun followed by melee. (2 kills at 1:40 - 1:50)* 4. Confirmed that Hunter melee lunge is also has way too much reach. (watch at 1:45 and 1:58)* 5. Confirmed that guns such as that used by OP by default have an Unflinching perk built into the rifle.* 6. Confirmed that OP is a bro for sticking through a game, regardless of how many of his teammates flee. Way to stick in there and duke it out and not leave. Much respect for that. For clarification: I don't think any of the tactics used are 'cheap' or 'scrub' as some below suggest. They're the tactics that are coded in and hence should be used accordingly. That said, I think a lot of these tactics are unreasonable, unbalanced, aren't fun (frustrating, aggravating), and possibly contribute to the bad net code(?) (things like blink and other 'instantaneous moves' can't physically be processed by both ends and must rely on some sort of prediction). *2. In my opinion, single shot kills should not be allowed in the Crucible except under the following circumstance: + Head shots from sniper rifles at ranges > 100ft + Shoulder charge from Titans + Fully charged fusion rifle shots (Read my ideas about how fusion rifles should work [url=]here[/url].) *3. Try it next time you're playing. Jump, look down, and pop a shotgun blast. There's no recoil like their is when you're running. Also works during the sliding animation if you sprint, crouch, shoot or sprint, crouch, shoot, melee. *4. I knew it was bad but OP knifed a guy from like 5ft away with the lunge. That's silly. Warlock and Hunter melees act at distance where the Titan's does not. The exception is the Titan shoulder charge, but this requires a sprint before it (and there are a lot of problems getting L3 to parse with the server when pressed because of the lag in the Crucible.) This needs balance. *5. Stability perk is for keeping the targeting reticle close to center when shooting. Unflinching keeps the target reticle centered when under fire. Some rifles have a horrible flinch to them, while some rifles (such as OP's) don't seem to have any flinching at all, even without the unflinching perk. This needs a hard look.[/quote] Sook sook sook I dont like it bitch bitch cry cry and moan.

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  • I disagree on the titan shoulder charge as it is. Maybe if it took longer to be ready than Juggernaut's shield, but as it is it's too easy for shotgun-spamming Titans to sprint around corners with how most maps are set up. I have a friend who mains a titan, striker with shoulder charge specifically when he wants to have fun, and he himself complained that it was annoying when he switched characters and ended up on the receiving end.

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  • What are the tactics people are talking about. I just see a guy jumping and shooting and winning.

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  • You had me till you said shoulder charge is OK.

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  • You realize that the effective range for a shotgun is 40 yards? If it's a slug you're looking at about 150 yards. You don't have to be point blank to kill something with a shotgun.

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  • This. Is. A. Video. Game.

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  • What's your point? I think we're all aware this is a video game...

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  • Video games don't use real life mechanics in their weapons unless you are Battlefield. Otherwise: - Shooting a shotgun would have a heavy kick to it in all instances - Autorifles could kill with one bullet across the map (no maps are large enough to be out of range) - snipers will kill with a body shot - fusion rifles wouldn't exist - rocket launchers can't fire multiple RPGs without an excessive reload - machine guns would be far less accurate but demolish absolutely everything - scout rifles would kill in one shot - hand cannons would leave a hole in a players body I don't f'in know man, I'm just saying that shotguns in video games should be SHORT RANGE huge damage as per usual. Who cares what the IRL specs of a shotgun are?

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  • - hand cannons would leave a hole in a players body Haha i love that part!

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  • Gotcha. They should just remove the shotgun altogether if it has a 10ft range. It would be useless.

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  • Seriously -blam!- people like you

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  • hunters melee is called blink strike, youre supposed to blink lol...

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  • "Blink and you die"

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